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One beta release later!
And somehow I managed to finish the cinema completely with the full-screen viewing.
As always, most of the time before the launch was polishing up a few loose ends and the time after was spent on fixing a couple of bugs.
But I also have something important to announce this week.
Something I've been both dreading and looking forward to at the same time, because it means I no longer have to keep it a secret, taking all the blame and being stressed out about it.
The International Edition artist, aka SethxZoe has been fired from the project due to being extremely unprofessional and disrespectful to both the project and you as fans.
And you'll quickly see why when I state a few facts.
Last time he finished something, anything, for the game, was back in January this year.
Last time he answered to one of my messages was August the 8th, and it's not from lack of trying to reach out to him, as I've sent eight unanswered messages since October.
This isn't the first time, or even the second, he has gone for very long periods of time without answering, which obviously isn't acceptable when you're working with or for someone online.
Nevertheless, a suitable replacement has already been found, although it's going to be expensive and take time to have another artist come in and redo everything SethxZoe was supposed to do.
What this mean is the International Edition CG's will probably be locked when the full game launches, and be patched in later for a "Golden Edition" when the new artist is done.
But hey, you can't have growth without some rain, right?
Next week will be more upbeat, I promise!