Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 13 / 2023

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Ah yes, the interior train chu-chu'ing!
Considering the process of creating new assets isn't something that is even noticeable until added to the actual game, I've been working more hours than usual this week to get over the slow hurdle.
While I'll be going over all interior locations to see if they need any tweeks, the biggest changes so far are the Imperial Manor, the Divine Palace in Luminessa, and the cathedral along with the Imperial Castle in Colussia. (Duchess Mansion too, but you haven't been able to visit inside it yet)
I didn't prepare any post/pre comparisons, but I will be adding screenshots of these new looks in the coming weeks so you can compare them yourself to the old versions.

And to conclude this week, here is another little trivia for you!
- Did you know it's possible to find Masquerade in Colussia?

So here is the new Grand Cathedral interior, I'll see you next week!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 12 / 2023

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The process of going through every interior has been proceeding!
One of the things that has always been bothering me is the very limited amount of decorative paintings that was available before, I think it was basically three different ones across all maps.
But that has changed during my asset creation phase as I've instead replaced those with 50+ unique ones that shows various locations from within the game world, rather than just being something generic like a flower or a face.

Re-visiting these interiors has also allowed me to catch a few overlooked issues, such as Beatrix's emoticon never changing during the last cutscene with her aboard the Magna Gerulus.
Although, that wasn't an issue if you had her wearing the costume with the mask covering her face, or if you rejected Lynevere's offer which made the cutscene technically missable.
Instructor Stella, Gin and the Skyhorn Maidens has also been updated with their finalized sprites!

To conclude this week, here is another little trivia for you!
- Did you know it's possible to be present during the sequence in Brightstone when Beatrix arrest Mayor Willheed to see for yourself how it plays out?

And with that, I'll see you again next Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 11 / 2023

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The nerve-wrecking Castle Warrengard overhaul is done, phew!
I still need to put it through some extensive testing and double-checking to ensure the removed maps, along with the newly added ones, work as intended with all the variations and transitions.
Now you can directly access the tavern from the main hall instead of having to run to the west/east wings of the citadel, just to swing back around and then do it all again on your way out.
I've also created a bunch of new assets and basically touched up every indoor location in Colussia, some changes subtle while others are much more noticeable.

With the size of the game and how easy it can be to miss smaller details, here is a little trivia!
- Did you know there is a chance to find Bal'Rana sunbathing outside the Ravaged Booty if you keep visiting the location before she joins your party?

That'll be it for now, nice and early in the day!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2023

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To start off, anyone who engaged with Laquadia's new CG Scene will unfortunately come across a bug that prevents access to the menu button and disallows you to toggle sprinting.
Thankfully there is a simple fix, all you need to do is find one of those spots that lets you jump across a gap, and interract with it. (One is in Windy Canyon for example)
This was one of the first things I fixed on my end, I've also implemented a randomizer system for the outdoor pool section of Castle Warrengard so each party member has a set change to appear there, while also making sure they aren't duplicated and only spawn in one location at the time.

Currently I'm in a delicate process of changing some fundimental layouts of Castle Warrengard to make it easier to reach certain parts, such as moving the stairs to the second floor (tavern) from the corners of each wing to the main hall instead.

But that about covers it for this week, so I'll be back again next Tuesday!