Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update

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The day you all feared is finally here...TUESDAY!

Sadly, I don't have too much to report this week as I've been in a bit of a pickle trying to figure out how I should work together all the story elements for the Colussia arc, with the first script needing some adjustments to make it less confusing and not attempt to pack everything into one basket.
But I'm getting closer to getting around those knots, and I have been making additional maps in the meantime to expand upon Darkthorn Keep and create a few more map assets.

That's it really for this week...hopefully next update will have a bit more of an impact!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Deleena

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What is this, yet another character!?
Well that depends on how you look at it, Deleena is a dragon/lizard character I've had even before Opala was a thing, but one I think would fit the LoQO universe nicely as a princess over one of the regions in the Land of Savages.

I was even playing with the idea she might be the main protagonist in LoQOIII, or at the very least be one of the more important characters for that game.
Still, that is only speculations as that project is far away and I'm focused on finishing LoQO Origins before anything.
And while Deleena might be important in LoQOIII, I am thinking of ways to have her make a little cameo in LoQO Origins...
We'll see how that goes!

Meanwhile, game production is moving along and I'm chipping away at the Colussia arc, slow but steady.

And with that little update, I'll see you again next week!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update

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Alright, I mentioned last week I'd be addressing the International Edition artist this update.
So let's get that out of the way and go through both the good and the bad news.

- Bad News -
I'll have to disable the International Edition for the public release of episode 3 as there is no way the artist will be able to catch up in time and would delay the launch for several months otherwise.
- Good News -
The International Edition artist won't be dropped, it will take much longer than estimated for him to finish all CG Scenes, both current and future ones, but he will eventually finish everything in time.

For people with beta access, this won't really mean much except the updates for this specific CG style will continue to remain at a slower pace than the other CG styles.
As for the public release date of episode 3, it's sadly nothing I can announce just yet as I'm not sure exactly how much more content I want to add before I can call it full enough to earn a release.
In other game related news, progression has gone just as smooth this week as I've continued on the Colussia arc, finished the latest CG Scene that will include the protagonist and done a few minor changes.

And that is another update knocked out of the park! See you next week!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 25

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Wow, it has actually been a really long time since we had one of these emoticons! Certainly don't feel like over a year, time flies too fast. D:

But here you have Naacia in her default expression, the Dream Haunter from past LoQO games who now has made her presence known in the Illusian Forest where you rescue Opala.
And on the subject of the illustrator behind these emoticons and the International Edition of the CG Scenes, that is something I'll be discussing in more detail next week.

As for game production, things have been going really smoothly this past week! Not only have I finished setting up Colussia for the next arc with event/NPC placements, I also got several cutscenes down and have nearly completely a new CG Scene with the protagonist partially involved. (Depending on your choices)

So with that, I'm signing out and will see you again next Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon
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Happy New Year!

Wow, to think the first day of the year would land on one of these Tuesday updates...
What are the odds!? I'd say 1 in 7!

With such a hectic week behind us, I'm probably not any different from anyone else when I say I didn't get much work done and admit taking three days off to spend a weekend with family.
Still, I have been fixing a few small bugs with the game and finished a tiny cutscene most might miss altogether unless they follow the narrative quite literally from where the story last ended.
So, yeah, next week will likely be a bit more entertaining and informative!

And with that, I'll see you guys again next week as always!