Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 24 / 2024

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Sorry, got even less to report today!

Real life has been a bit of a bitch lately, outside of my control, and I barely got any work done.
It's probably better to just say and pretend I took this week off to not give the impression I managed to do more than I did...but hopefully this little, rough patch will be over soon!

So let's see if next Tuesday will be more fruitful instead!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 23 / 2024

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Not much to report today, as is tradition by now when a new beta has just been released!

As the latest beta was launched last week, most of my time ahead of that was prepping for the launch and finishing off a few last things that needed to be done before then.
Unfortunately, there were a few problems I didn't find during my playtesting that were brought up so the weekend was spent on fixing those things at once and re-releasing a fixed version.
That's pretty much it really!

Let's see what next Tuesday will bring instead!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 22 / 2024

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This will be the last week mostly focusing on the Tavern Wench Challenge...I promise!

Because only the event at Gentlemen's Club is left, although I don't think I have time to arrange that before the next beta is coming out on Thursday since I want to do a little more with it.
The Stable Wench and Prison Wench variations are added back in and the storymode sequences at Brightstone and Queen's Landing related to the mini-game has been seamlessly integrated into the cutscenes to have you play it there as well with some minor dialogue tweaks.
The only other thing I don't think I'll be able to finish in time, but will be added in later, is a difference between each tavern when it comes to the order the drinks are poured to include a touch of strategy on how you chug them to maximize profit.

The party remembering mechanic is fully implemented by now too, however, it's proven to be extremely difficult to playtest with fixed presets without playing the game normally...so hopefully it should work as intended unless I missed a partymember trigger I didn't account for.

And with that, look forward to the next beta in a couple of days!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 21 / 2024

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I won't say it, because you already know what this week is all about.
Apart from Gentlemen's Club, the Tavern Wench Challenge is now finished with every character.
I had to temporarily remove the Stable Wench and Prison Wench options from Castle Warrengard as they clashed and weren't compatible with the new UI, but I should hopefully have time to add them back in before the next beta is out.
On the flip side, I created a hidden currency system for points you'll be getting for every new trophy you earn during the challenges, since it's far easier for me to remove them later if my ideas doesn't pan out, rather than including them retroactively.

I also need to finalize the whole party remembering mechanic I was working on prior to this.
Then there is also implementing the full-sized resolution images for Strippin' o' Die, etc...

Anyhoo, see you next Tuesday as always!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 20 / 2024

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The nitty-gritty is taking a bit longer than anticipated with the Tavern Wench Challenge...!

In all honesty, I had to scale back on my vision for the mini-game as it would've just taken too much time to add every single detail I wanted while some decisions would've probably made the presentation and UI clash with the rest of the game.

Nevertheless, everything will be done before the next beta release for later this month!
The challenge has been implemented to every tavern by now and I've also taken the liberty of creating some additional assets to update the interior for some places on the Frozen Continent to give them more of an unique look/feeling.

Hopefully players will feel it'll be worth it in the end, though!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 19 / 2024

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Hopefully, next week will be the last time in a while I say...Tavern Wench Challenges!

While adding the overhauled mini-game to Castle Warrengard was a breeze, all things considered, the payout version for Gabrielle and Bal'Rana across all the other taverns was a bit trickier.
Mostly because I had to take several things into account, like if the players had already done them, statistics carrying over and deciding if some things should be reset or not.
I think the best solution is what I went for, letting the game remember which you've already finished, but also letting you replay all of them once with each of the two characters to gain the money/EXP that would've otherwise been locked out.

I've also implimented additional stats to let you track how a candidate has performed at each location, so you can easily see which Tavern Wench Challenge has already been completed.
[Fame] you gain from finishing challenges and hanging up promotional posters will now affect difficulty outside of Castle Warrengard, with higher numbers increasing the frequency of defiled drinks that are harder to swallow and requires [Efficiency] while in turn give you more EXP.

I think that rounds up today's news, so see you next week!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 18 / 2024

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One more week of Tavern Wench Challenges!

Nearly everything about it is done, such as statistics, leveling up, gameplay etc.
Each character is currently playable with their unique individual skill, the only thing remaining is tweaking some graphical layouts and implementing the rewards for doing the challenges with the various candidates, besides the default payout Gabrielle and Bal'Rana can cash out at each town.
Which is now based on your performance, directly reflecting the sum you manage to chug down, and not by some randomized numbers or the fame count.

And there is the prestigious Tuesday report, until next time!