Friday, February 7, 2014

Legend of Queen Opala II

You can all stop hitting F5 now, poor website... ;P

Download Link 01
Download Link 02
Download Link 03
Download Link 04

All four links takes you to a different download of Legend of Queen Opala II, the full game.
Doesn't matter which one you pick, they are just there as options. :3

Gah, feels so good to finally be able to put this game behind me now!
Hopefully everything should work just as intended, and you'll all have a smooth ride.
There was still more things I wanted to add, but maybe for a "Golden Edition" or something later on...

Anyway, enjoy the complete Legend of Queen Opala II game! :D


  1. ^^ Thank you for your hard work Gabe, I personally am glad to enjoy the final product, voice or no voice, you poured your all into the game, the least the fanbase can do is so thank you. SO uh XD thank you

    1. And you call yourself a you sit and thank me, when you could be playing and fapping! ;3

    2. you are the best gabe trank you for the work you are a genios XD
      the new game have latex event?

    3. Guess you'll have to play and see. :3

    4. Well, we can't fap during the entire game. We have to take a break to recharge now and then. Might as well thank you for your hard work while we do.

  2. Thank you so much Gabe. This is the best news I've had in a very long time. You really made my day.

  3. I'm an aussie so I have to download it first, However the second its done, Playing, Fapping, Fapping again and enjoying a deep story made be the brains of the game, You ^^ This fan plans to enjoy the game

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I ran into the first Legend of Queen Opala years ago on hongfire and I fell in love with the characters, the story and the H scenes~ I became a fan immediately. I really love your work and look forward to seeing what other amazing things you come up with next.

  6. Fuck yes! Here's to you Gabe. You are all kinds of awesome. Now I just need to wait the few minutes for the download.

  7. I can't belive this! It's too beautiful! Thank you, Gabe, thank you for what you have done for all of us!

  8. Thx Gabe!! :D Greetings!! Sincerely your fans from Indonesia..

  9. Thank you Gabe w a great way to start the weekend!

  10. Gabe, you are a goddess, and I'm glad I can finally finish this game. I did run into a problem that I thought I should tell you about though. Download link 3 downloads an exe instead of a rar, and only downloads the audio files, and nothing else.

    1. Sorry, thats all I'm getting from the other downloads too, just the Audio files.

    2. Finally got it to work. Had to use the Mega link and wait for 4 hours for it to download...and I must say....WELL WORTH THE WAIT!

  11. Thank You Thank You Thank You and Yes, Thank You. Now if I did not have to leave for class....

  12. a billion kisses and hugs gabe
    screw the elder scrolls online beta i just want to play this lol

  13. Why the game starts like previous game ??

  14. Thank you almighty goddess and since this will be the last anyone will hear from me for days thank you for your hard work on your awesome games! On a side note I think even Farah would hesitate to get tapped as much as the f5 key this week.

    1. Lol, thats good, how long did it take you to think that up, or did it come on the fly?

  15. Oh, I am soooo tempted to cry off my last 3 hours of work!

  16. Thanks a lot for this birthday gift :D !

  17. "This is fuckin' awesome..."
    Thanks Gabe!!

  18. Heck yeah! I actually appreciate the story more than I do the hentai (even though that's great as well). As a writer I'd love to collaborate in some of your future games. I have been published on several occasions in several countries so I suppose I have some amount of skill and experience. If you'd be interested in future collaboration I'd be glad to assist in any way I can.

    And yeah, thanks for the game.

  19. we thankth thee Lord, for thy dedicated work towards this Epicness.

  20. "One more F5, then I'll go get some beers, it's gonna be a fun evening."
    "Wait, what's that blue text?"
    "Fuck beer."
    Thank you for all the work you've put into this Gabe :D

  21. Thank you for all your effort. You are the best.


  22. Some files are not in this :( I can't play it :c

    1. I extracted everything into my old LOQO II Episode I-II directory and it's working like a charm so far.
      on another note: "Bonus Content" -> "Photo Shoot"... well color me intrigued

    2. I don't have the old one ...

    3. I extracted the new zip into new location, works fine, at least until u reach graveyard on Grand Aideen xD

      Try to reinstall RPG Maker XP, the files u need are there.

    4. Whats wrong with the graveyard? D:

  23. Hello Gabe. I'm having a slight problem I downloaded the game and unzipped it into a folder this message came up "RGSS102E.dll could not be found." Could anyone help please?

    1. Never mind my friend helped me out up and working!! and the game looks great Gabe! Thank you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. how to open the game in full screen???????????????????

  25. Thank you so much, and what a job you did!!!! you really are a Goddess!!!!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Yup, I'm pretty sure I just jizzed my pants out of sheer excitement.

  28. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this game, and also does Kai ever fix his fence?

  29. Least there's something good about being sent home early.

  30. hi big fan of the game and played for years trying to get it to work i keep getting rgss has stopped working errors and i have tried everything from compatibility mode settings to different rgss versions cause on the download the version is 102 but in ur instructions u say 104 and still nothing pls help

  31. Sorry but i need to ask what level is reconmendet to beat altum and basthro... ? I can't deaveat the final boss -.- sorry for my bad english

    1. Equipment is more important than level. :)

    2. can you pls help me with this trying to get it to work i keep getting rgss has stopped working errors and i have tried everything from compatibility mode settings to different rgss versions cause on the download the version is 102 but in ur instructions u say 104 and still nothing pls help

    3. Try running the game under administrator.

    4. I tried using the meteorite series and rings of darkness but still don't stand a chance against Altum D:
      Does part 3 assume there was a period of training part 2 and 3? My characters are at lv 40 and even the overworld monsters give me trouble T.T

    5. You might have to add an exception to the game in Data Execution Prevention(DEP).

    6. ok i have moonstone equipment and near lv 50 but altum beats me with one attack (darknes) i don't know how -.-

  32. I really, really wish we could have been allowed to move faster in this game. I really, really, REALLY want to enjoy the game, but literally the snail movement pace combined with the work put into making the landscape massive is the only thing keeping me from liking it (even with my excitement over the finished game and porn!).

    I'm sorry to say this, but I say it as constructive criticism. I love the idea, the setting, the writing, the characters, etc...but I can't take how slowly I have to move to actually explore.

    1. Then get the item that allows you to sprint! :P

    2. Or get Cheat Engine. You don't actually have to use it to cheat, I don't. But it has a nice feature called the speed hack. I play with my game at about 3.5x faster than normal. It is amazing to have during battles as fighting mundane overworld enemies can actually rack up hours and hours of gameplay. During battle frankly since it is turn based does it really matter what happens between when you make your choice and when the enemy finished its/their move(s) and it is your turn again? NO. All you have to worry about is damage control and damage output, leave the long battles with their sound effects and epic music for boss fights. The first time I played through the first game it took me like 15 hours investigating everything I could. The second time I did the exact amount of work in 5 hours just by speeding up the gameplay to 3.5x normal.

    3. Would you be able to provide a link for that? I've been searching for about half an hour and just can't find diddley squatt

  33. Downloading now. It'll take several hours because my regular download speeds are slow as hell, (too bad it's not a torrent, I can download those really quick) but I'm eagerly awaiting it to finish! I loved the first two games immensely, and played through multiple times (even though I had already found/done everything), so you can rest assured this will get the same treatment (I imagine this will get several play-throughs anyway, since it'll take a few times per 'version' just to get all the pics).

    Thank you sooooo much for this, Gabe!

  34. Given how much patience your growing fanbase has contained. I commend you for staying strong, doing the best you can. But LQO II complete? wow well done

  35. I have a problem. It keeps telling me that the RGSSAD file is broken, and won't copy it from the .rar file. And since that's the essence of the game, I can't play it. And no, I can't just copy the old one over, since it's a different file and won't work for this one. Can anyone help me? I really want to play this game, but I can't because the file is broken.

    1. Are you sure that you don't just have a corrupted download? Check the file size. Is it 599,067 KB?

    2. 631MB. It downloads fine, and the other files (and folder) copy just fine, I just can't copy over the RGSSAD file. It get's to 99% complete, then says it's broken.

    3. I had to use the MediaFire link, but I got it to work. I don't know what's wrong with the other files in the other links, but whatever, at least I can play the game now.

  36. The difficulty spike is *massive*. I've got Ragnarok/Meteorite armor, and slowly building Moon weapons, and I'm still struggling to take down the regular mobs.

    1. And as for Altum, I can't even put a scratch on him, even with Moon weapons (at level 39) unless I use Fury, and then he uses magic and destroys me. Unless there's somewhere to farm Onyx Stones and Stardust, I think I'm stuck.

    2. I think you should grind with cockalots until level 40 and get the ultimate moves, they were able to put out some unboosted damage even with the meteorite weapons I use, although I'm not sure how much it'll take to whittle away at Altum's health :/

    3. ultimas arent so great at all against altum. to make them usefull u need rage or fury and even with resist altum rapes you and if you use single fury he whipes out other party mempers. So we are doomed to search for better gear even tho it seems impossible atm.

    4. Well, they did about 3000 per attack for me, which isn't that much, but I managed to whittle away at Altum's health with 3 characters while having the fourth and slowest one constantly heal up the whole party with potent potions. It takes quite a time, about 35 turns? but I somehow managed to beat him like that. Cost me a fortune though XD

    5. My suggestion is to level grind, and do as many quests as you can for the money (join the Guild of Champions, you can't get the higher-level quests until you do), then get the best armor/weapons you can (I suggest Onyx weapons and Diamond armor at least). Then get potions that permanently increase your strength. Once you hit Level 99 you start doing some massive damage.

  37. Am I missing something? For some reason, I continued the story, but my quest log says that I'm still on 6-3, and I went to the Monastery to see if the story would continue, but it's not.

  38. Hi, amateur question here: How do I save? I have the coin of saving but my progress isn't saved. It seems that way but I can't access the "continue" feature when I exit the game. Gabe, a special thank you to you for your tremendous work.

    1. Enter your menu and select "save" or find a save crystal (e.g. the one right at the entrance of castle resteed"

    2. The Coin of Saving works fine for me, I don't know what the problem is. You could always just use the crystals, and if you have the crystal shard you can use them to teleport. I'm sorry, but that's all the advice I can give.

  39. Great that the game is out!! cant wait to play it!
    Just one question though, werent you supposed to send out mails to those whom had donated at least 20£?

    1. Wasn't that just for the trading card collection?

    2. Indeed! such long time since then so i had forgotten xD
      Nevermind my question!

  40. Found Goroh's quest, found the other merchant, sampled a lot of things, but I can't find any opportunity for field testing. A hint would be appreciated.

    1. To be more precise, how do I access the breeding stuff? Got the medicine from Goroh and the potion from the "big balls" guy, what do I Need to do next?

    2. Well if you've been following the blog I'm sure you'll be able to figure out who's going to volunteer for the field testing. Then you just need to pay your test subjects a visit at an opportune time for the work you're going to do.

    3. "Oppprtune time" being the factor I missed, tyvm!
      (Bernd liefert!)

  41. why cant you get all Character at the same time?

    e.g. Layla has been recruited, Latex will refuse to join the party

    1. Because it gives the game a higher level of "worth playing again"

    2. You CAN get all the characters at the same time...eventually, I just didn't want to rewrite every single conversation ten times to account for exactly which character is in the party or not and all the variations/combinations.

  42. If I use a save editor do bigger badder enemy's appear? I lost my save and used one to get my equipment back and now giant wolves are appearing in the starting area. I'm with it it keeps the challenge but I was just wondering if that's the case

  43. I'm noticing something new popping up in the beginning areas that I don't remember from episode 2. Every so often, while traveling in dungeons/caves, I find little stands made of similar material to the cave/dungeon that looks like it could hold an orb. (Found 2 so far, one in the caves after you save Opala, and another in the caves at the beach before you get to Murdock)

    I was just wondering if those become important later, or if I'm just over analyzing everything since its the new episode.

  44. Obvs I second all the thanks above, but a couple of things:

    1. As has been mentioned already, the entire opposition needs like 25% shaved off their HP, maybe even more. I like that enemies still do damage even when the player has high equipment/lvl and that I've had to use the parties abilities to win rather than just spam attack, but even when I have a grip on the fight they go on for a bit too long - past challenging and into tedious. Like the Yiazmat fight (or most of it) from FF12. This is also with my party souped up, it must be nightmarish for those doing 300 damage per attack in the Altum fight.

    2. A couple of in-game pointers to bad endings would be nice! Or just a better explanation of what they are. Seeing as the game reloads before the final fight the triggers could be basically anywhere and anything in the entire world (anytime as well, given the maps change at night). It's left unstated what types of things might be triggers as well - is it just talking to the right people, or does losing to certain foes count as well? As presented it's sort of like a quest which just says "do 6 things". I've found two so far but my best ideas other than "sweep the entire world day+night, do absolutely everything conceivable" are spent. I'm probably just being premature on this one, but I can imagine a lot of people are going to be waiting on the guide to get written.

    1. I seem to remember there being some "bad ends" on Loqo 1 as well, and they all seemed to be surrounded by loosing fights, IE Opala getting rapped by the octobreeder.

      I think in Episode 2, I was able to get a bad end by being beaten by the emperor guy, and that Osira could get some kind of a scene from entering a blacksmith shop with a bandit and a blacksmith in it, but that may have been part of her 'love' quests.

      Hope that helped.

    2. Bad ENDS are endings you get for finishing the game, what triggers them is meant to be hidden to give the player a purpose to try things and experiment, its not much of a secret if I have to explain them. :3

  45. Any chance someone could give me a quick recap as to the event before this latest update? It's been a while since I played the first part and I tried looking through the quest log but its pretty brief. Cheers

  46. how do i defeat altum
    i have kai in all meteorite equipment and the other party members with diamond equipment. do i need to get onyx equipment forged? if so where do i find it?

    1. i still didnt found source of moonstones or onixes except extracting them from parts of 8 and even than u dont have enough. I cant find anything to do except walk around and grind while picking up implemented chests and trading cards. i have kai,gin,yen,Layla and Milana at lvl 51 atm and altum still rapes me in 2 turns. it would maybe be different if i could get 2 more rings of trinity..... I updated weak walls section on wiki just so u know which ones i found :) if anyone have tip on moonstones or better gear than moon-meteor please write it. This is such a huge spike of difficulty here. i cant beat master hentai nor advance in tournament So i am stuck on grinding and trying to find moonstones and onix

    2. acctually i forgot about day/night XD so its time to go at night and walk over all the places :) will report for anything good or significance

    3. i've been doing the same thing, aimlessly wandering around.
      hope you find out something useful

    4. only 2 good thing for now are ring of trinity and gin-yen's (probably ultimete mace for this difficulty) from legendary treasure map... so the search continues. to boldly go where no fap-ers gone before XD

    5. moonstone found by beating green plumbed soldiers in imperial city

    6. oh tnx m8 even they are strong as hell..... did anyone beaten the tower i got to yellow guy in a hat didnt challege him cuzz i finally got all the chests ^_^ up to that floor

    7. what about that new purple haired girl ? i got +1 when i found her in wardrobe and afterwards in thief rockgard and there was auto -1 :/

    8. did anyone figured that hourglas item which speeds up time by a week??

    9. got onix cutlas now lets rape those moonstones of those champion knights ^_^

    10. how did you get the onyx cutless

  47. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've beaten everything until the final assault from the shack in Thebes but I can't seem to get Grand Aideen fixed up. Am I missing a file or something? Or is it just stuck that way until a new game?

    1. if i remember right u must defeat seth for G.A. to be fixed.

  48. Gabe i have 2 questions
    1 which is the best sword in the game?
    2 can you get the sword of nabonaga?

    1. 1 I'd wager Ahrodo, the legendary sword only obtainable in NG+
      2 yes you can but it's not as good as the onyx cutlass which you'll probably need to have first in order to get it

    2. thank you that mean that i have to fight nabonaga and defeat it right

    3. Yeah but if you're playing eastern edition you might want to lose to him once first ;)

  49. Thanks for the game, Gabe! This along with TESO Beta makes my weekend one of the best this year :)
    And by the way, how much of a database is shared with LOQO I? I'm asking, because I just loaded my 100% save from first game and got interesting results.

    1. Its not compatable at all, so you'll end up with a pretty broken game. xP

    2. Well, I did say that I only got interesting results, not that the game was playable that way ;)

      Anyway, are saves from ep II compatible? I tried loading it once, but some things were different, like portraits in hero's mansion. It'd be a shame if I had to start from scratch :(

  50. DEFEATED ALTUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH
    warning he have 150k hp ^_^

    1. reward: gauntlet of nabonaga,3k exp and 10k gold :D

  51. Best sword is onyx, found an'teerans in the Temple of Sacriifice (drop onyx and crystal) got most of the side quests done but anyone knows where velvetta is after she gets out of her basement? i looked all over for her...

    1. how did you get in the temple?

    2. dude u find some items from which u can extract onix afterwards farm some moonstones and make onix weapon to kill altum and even than u will need much spell rezz

  52. how about cheats at the neclace gabe ??

  53. After beating the Emperor my part disbanded, and I'm up to the attack on the palace at Thebes and its still just Kai in my party, though everyone else is in the cut scenes. How do I get the rest of the part back?

    1. Talk with them in a tavern to re-recruit them.

    2. How do I get back from Thebes then? The tavern in Thebes lacks my party members

  54. What Level would you recommend for Thebes+? I am level 27 and i get owned ... :/

    Probably have to farm a few hours.

  55. i just defeat álbum, i was shocked with his real face LOL, but i dont know where i have to go to meet my team xddd where is?

    1. well the 2 first time that you fight ¨him¨ is imposible because is part of the main story but the 3 time you can defeat him, so you better have a high level, a healer and very good weapon and then do all the time special attack and healing spells

    2. i know. the problem is with that "very good weapon" part, all i have is meteorite equipment just for kai, and i know i need onyx equipment to defeat altum, do you have any idea how to get that?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I don't think Onyx equipment is required for him, I finished the story with moon equipment, level 60 and lots of consumables. You can farm the materials for moon equipment from the monsters in the imperial city. Onyx can be farmed from enemies that become available after defeating altum, before that some can be found on the ghost ship, maybe it's enough for one weapon.

    5. yeah but after defeat him what i have to go , i mean i reléase osira but i forgot the place where i have to go, can you tell me?

    6. If I remember correctly you have to go to the Forgotten Bog, it's right to the south of the Imperial City.

    7. @Bernd Berndsen
      you see i'm desprately in need for onyx equipment cuz i'm only lvl 30. and the monsters in imperial city never dropped moonstones

  56. Hello gabe:

    I would like to know if you can upload a guide for LoQO II. I'm interested in know if you can recruit all the characters in one game, or in the moment that you choose a character, other is disable.

    1. not sure it is possible since it auto disables the alt char when you pick one
      so mage for mage and such
      i chose to ignore murdock and miss sexy knight
      and go for the elf and fur ball war

    2. There are mutually unavailable party members, but after you finish the story, all become available.

  57. Well then.It appears that the damage of Altum's darkness atacks is pretty random. One fight i get one shot by 3-4k dmg and next fight he does around 1-2.5k.THe fight itself was easy but this randomness makes it so fucking anoying HOLY SHIT. Managed to kill him tough so yeah feels good.Pretty happy that it was who i taught it was .

  58. Well let me us know when you are starting the funds for the next game cause I'll for sure chip in some. Hope you decide to use offbeatr for your next game.

  59. where can i farm stardust? i got nice amount of moons and onixes but i lack stardust :/

    1. Well the purple balls of light in the inner sanctum of the final boss is where I got mine as well as the dungeon you gain access to if you found all the save/teleport crystals

  60. You could get some rings of darkness, my lvl 40 team survived one power of darkness with those on.

  61. To the people who have level 50~60 parties, did you guys achieve those levels with just going through the story and hunting legendary monsters? Or did you grind with monsters separately?
    I've done most of the quests and hunted all the legendaries from episode 2, but I was still at the late 30s when I finished O,o I somehow got through with the storybosses with boosts and a lot of potions but postgame is just arduous T.T

    1. For me it involved a lot of farming. It's pretty much the first thing I did after hitting that jump in difficulty as soon as part three started.

    2. i played part bar part as it was released and after compleating part 1 and afterwards 2 i explored trying to find everything so here and than "some extra" fights ocured

    3. Well I was between lvl 40 and 50 before this update from just going around doing random things. Currently most of my team is lvl 70 to 75 I think. I will admit I cheated to get the other newer party members up to where I was at because no way am I releveling to get members I may not use.

  62. I have to say this game was pretty disappointing compared to LoQO I. At a certain point the game just ceases to be fun and becomes an extremely uphill grind. A number of bosses have their damage values WAY too high and sudden one hit kills occur too frequently. I spent about six hours grinding and am still not even close to being able to take on the final boss. I'll have to put down the game until these issues are addressed, the game at this state is just painful to play.

    1. lol its not about grinding but acomulating resources to craft equipement and using your skills to defeat oppoents. lvl doesnt matter much but equipement does big time

    2. Spent about 4 hours getting my whole party equipped with moon gear so the grind is still there. The enemy power scaling is extremely unbalanced as far as RPGs go. Part II didn't really have this problem, you could progress through the story leveling up as you go along. In this game you eventually hit a brick wall that requires you to invest hours in artificially extended game time.

  63. Has someone managed to recruit Emerala the huntress yet? After breaking the seal she disappears I could use a new teammate now, Iliona's pretty much useless in boss battles now that the difficulty's spiked T.T

    1. yeah i did she comes with u inside. but she starts at lvl 20 and has skills simmilar to dagath or something if u remember him from LOQO1.

    2. Where is she tho? There was a scholar who said she lived alone in some city but at the time I didnt even know where that city was.

    3. For me she didn't come inside, she just left (around the corner), and I searched the imperial city and pallace twice both during the day and night. No sign of her. What companions did you have?

    4. She lives in the Imperial City Her house is behind a destroyable wall in the basement of one of the ruined buildings.

  64. Been experimenting lately with either west or east versions of the game, LQO2 really delivers on some fun moments that we rarely see in games anymore. Curious how this update gives this series a unique boost, Btw, what part of the series did you enjoy or disliked working on most?

  65. after defeat altum and save osira from the giga plump and reléase her assesin where i have to go? can someone tell me please

    1. First go to the bog (a bit south of the imperial city (the pool of water the path leads to) there'll be a stairway in there. After that to the castle where you killed bastorahl.

  66. Can someone share the save from the end of previous version? Can't wait to see new stuff!

  67. how do I enter the Temple of Sacrifice.

    1. If you mean the door in the Transport Hub, I think you have to find and activate all the transport crystals.

  68. I so wish I could play this on my Android

  69. alright so i need some help with bad matter how many times i run the the game through all i can get is osiras bad end..any ideas? also with the pregnancy stuffs? also it seems alignment doesnt mean anything. ran the game as both good and bad, no difference. suggestions?

  70. man is possile defeat eclipse the horseman? Gabe is posible?

    1. never mmind , better question where is the girl, the sister of kross after you defeat eclipse

  71. my quest log shows only side quests. No main quest entries. Help?

    1. "The main story is no longer listed in the Quest Log, it shows up in the Collectable Journal."

  72. where is Ricardo and neena ( kross sister after you defeat eclipse)?

    1. If by ricardo you mean the blacksmith's aprentice, well... who knows? All I know is to finish that quest you just have to find his booze near the lighthouse.

    2. lighthouse where is that???' i dont remenber any

    3. progress through the story till you get past stonehedge, and it is on that same continent

    4. he ask for his keg or something like that i dont find it.

  73. where are other entrances to "hard zones" 2X breading sits are near baltora, minotaur cavern in stone valey. any more of those??

  74. After arriving in Egypt to liberate it, I'm the only one in my party. The others appear in cut scenes, is this supposed to happen? will they rejoin after I've defeated the palace guards?

    1. You get them to rejoin your party before you go to Thebes (Egypt). Go to the tavern in Tel Ravida and talk to them like you normally would, choose 'change party members', then click on them again to add them back to your party.

      If you're already in Egypt, just use the transport/save crystal close to where you first arrive (you'll pass it on the way down, just activate it to use it), and use it to go back to Tel Ravida then talk to them in the tavern.

  75. someone know where is the ceremonial club, because i load a save from episode 2 and i can't find it, maybe is in a place that i already visited, but go through all of them again it's a little frustrating.

  76. well if someone would tell me something.
    in collections it says. namaria locations 35/36---> what could i be missing
    world locations 60/60
    ultimas defeated 7/8 --> i think this last one is that "the one" but where is that punk.
    and how the hell could someone defeat those blops in temple of sacrafice.....

    1. and i hope "the one" isnt chorus reborn cuzz i pwnd that punk and nobunaga the dragon also.. so. which one is left :/

  77. This game have a pregnant system?

    Gaby your game is so cool, congratulations.

  78. Excuse me, somone know where Velvetta is?

    1. She is always is her mansión , it is so close of Green field you mansión, that if you buy it

    2. Thank you, Danny!
      I have now completed the quests that gave me Velvetta and I got the CG scenes. Now I started the quest Velvetta's Revenge. Does anyone know where he is now?

    3. what?????? there is another one man i dont know it sorry i can help

    4. got to your house at anctus hills but be carefull if youre abaute lv 50 forget it they beat me in 3-5 rounds
      sorry for my english ^^

    5. even with lvl 50,i could beat them in 3 rounds using fruit of blessing on all my party members

    6. i cant meet velvetta the guard dont let me go to the house i have the Green fielb buyed, i dont know what left can someone tell me?

    7. u need to go to your house in hills of Sanctus,not the house in Greenlands or Thebes.The house where LOQ2 starts

  79. where do you find league of perverts ? wolfsgang told me to find them. Are they around Shaabera ?

  80. i cant find the ítem for the legendary blcksmith, where is his keg?
    Where is Neena after defeat eclipse? (that horse is strong more tan altum 3rd)
    If nabonaga ítem are part of the story them why arent they the best weapon or do they have a special effect? ( i only need defeat nabonaga to obtain the sword)
    Can someone answer me all this questions
    Thank you
    PD: Gabe You are a godness xdddd

  81. Does anyone know where the consequences achievement/trophy is? I don't want to risk missing that so I haven't went to NG+ yet.

  82. I have discovered a bug.. in the arena of champions.. festival island when it's still closed.. I slept in the far away bed till night fall.. then slept in the bed besides dragoon and the jester till sunrise.. and now i am stuck on the bed with nowhere to go.. please help
