Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update

Ze God, das Tuesday update! (Not actual German lingo)
Support me and production of the LoQO games at - Patreon

What do I have to report for this week, you wonder...?
I finished the most recent location I've been working on, simply named "Road to Castle" in previous posts but with the finalized name being Fierra Falls.
And with that, so far the list of added locations to episode 2 of LoQO Origin is as follow -
Serenity Bridge, Desert Checkpoint, Immemorial Glade, Arlon Village, The Four Seasons Inn, Uncle Dad's Ranch, Smuggler's Route, Valley Checkpoint, Tower of Descent and Fierra Falls!

I've also gone through the story script in the base game and changed/added a few things to add further depth to past events and important characters, like...what I should've done long ago, give the late Beldorian Emperor a name to easier seperate him from the current one. x3
I plan to focus on the story next and continue upon that, unless I get stuck and can't quite word sentances like I want, but if that happens then I'll instead focus on beginning work on Castle Warrengard, your "build-your-mansion" part in this game!
There is never shortage of things to do, I tellz ya!

Before I end for today, I'd also like to pitch a LoQO CG set by Vaesark.
It features Osira getting the upper hand on Opala with sloppy results, you can find a preview by clicking right here! Though it might be worth mentioning the full set it isn't quite free!

But I think that's all for this time, so I'll see again next week!


  1. Hmm i always thought that Emperor was his name.
    "All hail emperor Emperor the second" addressing him properly would have been a pain.

    1. Lol, then I'll sadly have to inform you that "late Emperor" and/or "Emperor Emperor" is now named Emperor Augustus. x3

    2. Dam it, and i was already imagining that there was an an entire level of Darkthorn Keep dedicated to poor sobs who didn't adres the Emperor properly. But hey Augustus is a fine name, Emperor Emperor would have just gotten him into trouble at Emperor school.
      Anyway nice to hear that you're working on the story, can't wait to see what sexy scenes you make!

    3. Working on way too many scenes at once, that's what I'm doing. x3

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. "way too many scenes" that sounds good from wher i'm sitting. But seriously people will be happy knowing that you have many in store. That being said take it at your pace less mistakes that way.

  2. that ucle dad ranch sound suspiciousto me
    sorry for my bad english

    1. Noooothing suspicious about it! They just like to keep things in the family...!

  3. OMG you speaking deutsch? :D
    Lol nice one though ^^
    Great that you focus on the mansion building :D (maybe Fallout 4 might be a good source of inspiration? :P)
    Only thing for me to hope at least is that the cheat necklace will be there with 1-2 nice pics... oh well guess you can't have everything for christmas :S

    1. I have a system in mind, it's not Fallout 4 complex...but still far more complex than past LoQO games. :D

  4. Hey Gabe, there is this anime I watch called Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha. It's a little notorious right now for getting close to being hentai in a lot of scenes. But there is this one character called Chisato Hasegawa (or Hasegawa Sensei cause she's the school nurse) who is basically the Japanese version of Adult Farah. Minus the Egyptian skin, she looks a lot like her. Long dark hair, green eyes, huge boobs (she has the biggest in the series so far), beauty mark under her left eye, and she's in the milf age range. Plus she's more than willing to get down and dirty with the protagonist, it's even strongly hinted that she have the protagonist a tit fuck. And in the books she starts telling him about the benefits of loving an "older woman". She feels a lot like Farah to me :)
    Here's a link to the image gallery of her wikia page so you can see what I'm talking about if you want.


    1. Her beauty mark is mirrored though...and wears glasses like Mhu'Tiki! ;)

    2. My perfect theory...crushed.........oh well, she'll always be the Japanese Farah to me XD

      Anyway, the cg set looks cool. And I really hope you are able to come up with more story, cause I really want to meet Layla. I just....I just wanna talk to her....that's how bad the wait has been for me. I don't care about seeing another sex scene of her or anything. I just want to vicariously speak a word to her through the protagonist.

  5. Hey Gabe, quick question about your storyboard process that I've always kinda wanted to know.
    Do you have the entirety of the story for your games written up before you start working on them? Or do you have a like, a general draft written up and expand upon it as you progress through each individual episode?

    1. I usually have a few key points in the story before I start, like general directions, important plot twists and such.
      But everything else in-between is created basically the moment I'm writing it down in the game or between work passes, so my approach to the story is handled more like writing a book than making a movie. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Glad to hear that the game is coming along nice.

    Also just wondering, what are your thoughts on the new Star Wars film? Will you be waiting in line for the first screening?

    1. Last movie I saw in cinema was...either the final part in the original LotR trilogy, or the second Pirates of the Carribean movie, so yeah, very long ago! (in a galaxy far far away)

      I'm not hyped about any movie these days, while the new Star Wars movie looks great in trailers, I haven't forgotten how bad episode 1-2 were and that Disney is involved now. x3

  7. Nice, a few months ago I was honestly thinking the construction on your place was never gonna end (along with the delays to the game D:). So its good to hear that you are plugging away at a steady pace.

    Also, more Layla on the horizon? :D Have you added any trading cards of her and the ability to move her into the player housing? :O

    1. Tell me about it, I'll never forget about that whole ordeal since it gave me some lasting side-effects I still haven't been able to get rid off yet. >_<

      And Layla is very close to be officially introduced in the game, along with unlocking her trading cards. x3

  8. hey gabe!!!i came up with an idea and i wanted to share.while the last time u had already thought of it and concluded into LOQOO.i was thinking about a "playground"!!!all the girls will be "abused" by monsters and beast but we all know that deep inside they love it too,so for example next time we see Opala getting raped we dive in win the battle and then opala stops us and say something..."please dont kill him...he didnt really hurt me...he just wanted some...affection...blah blah blah"then we will have some option like...nyaaa kill him/let him go/ok keep him at that building next to my castle(if u know what i mean :P).i dont know how hard it is to make something like that but i believe all the girls in the game would love that playground...hehehe

  9. Wow, this is easily your best work yet! Couple comments/concerns though. 1, love the gambling addition any chance for loaded dice? 2, may be a bug but in the hollow gorge there is a section by the cliffs where zombie sprites randomely appear but doesn't trigger a battle scene. 3, any plans to deck Kythe in a full set of armor, maybe ala fallout 4? And finally do you have an approximate release date for episode 2 yet? Thanks for all your hard work, and keep it up!

    1. 1. Loaded dice...? As in, cheating? x3
      2. It's meant to be like that.
      3. Hehe, well it's always a possibility!
      4. Sometime late next year. :)
