Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Elin

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Well, there isn't a lot more to be said...but here she is again! Beatrix's daughter Elin, in all of her glory!
While the LoQO girls certainly don't need an excuse to have huge tits, I felt like it would be really awkward and almost insulting if the one character who actually has cow-genes would end up NOT having a rack of epic proportions, and age issues are solved as well...it'll forever remain a mystery and a running joke. ;)

Meanwhile with the game production, I've continued on the seven new locations that'll be added for the next beta, whenever that might be released, hopefully next month, and I've also been working on the first new full CG Scene for episode 3 which knocks out another girl from the list of yet to be romanced until now. x3

I also feel like I need to explain some things.
I've tried to keep it a secret they've been doing construction/renovation work in my appartment complex again this month, so I've been getting very little sleep.
It hasn't really had an impact on my work yet since the things I've done this month has been more of creating maps than focusing on story and important events, but I still feel like I need to mention it since it HAS affected my ability to reply and my mood, which in turn has made me easier to agitate as the weeks have progressed.
Thankfully, they should be done before July the 1st, so this should be the last week.

Finally, next week I'll bring up the figurines again as the first trial print I ordered has arrived and I consider it good enough to be distribute. :D

So with that, I'll see you again next week with more sleep behind me!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 22

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Bal'Rana the Pirate Queen makes her glorious return as a recurring character in the series, but now more than a brief encounter or mere fanservice cameo!

She has set up shop along the southeast coast of the Beldorian Empire, where she basically wrecked her last ship, and tries to make a living while figuring out where to go next with her crew of pussywhipped sailors.
And while the high seas have been cruel to Bal'Rana's attempted, pillage voyages, she did come across a little something that is said to let the heart of men "relive lost opportunities".

Something she is taking full advantage of to get that booty filled with sparkling coin!

Meanwhile, I've spent more time than I'd like to admit to hunting down and squashing a a couple of persistent, evasive bugs...but successfully nonetheless! Such as the rare one that makes the cutscene arriving at Arlon for the first time in a playthrough not play and leave you with a black screen, this turned out to be caused by visited Arlon in the "future" and exploring a specific cave.
Anyhoo, I've also been working on a new location and added some additional dialogue to the cutscene that takes place when returning to Castle Warrengard before heading to the Iron Spire.
Oh, and I'm also processing the results of an audition I held to give all the female character voices, a casting call that ended up giving me over 300 voice clips to go through. xD

And with that, I'll see you next Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 21

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I've been keeping you wondering for long enough, but it's finally time to reveal the young Elin, Beatrix's daughter!
It probably won't take you long to realize something about her doesn't seem quite...human? That's because she is technically half cow, as her dad is a Val'Toras who fought Beatrix over a decade ago and won, which accordingly with Skyhorn Maiden traditions and laws gave him the right to claim her body and resulted in a pregnancy.

Beatrix is very proud of her daughter who seem to be following in her mother's footsteps and aim to become a Skyhorn Maiden herself.

And with that presentation, you might be surprised to hear I've been working on Festival Island of all places since last week, as it'll be an optional location you can visit through the port in Odidania.
If you remember the place from LoQOII, you know it was on a downward spiral with the previous owner scamming the island and leaving it in disarray.
But since, Puta Banana came out of nowhere and turned Festival Island into a lively, tropical paradise and gave the whole island the makeover it sorely needed, which means it looks quite different while still keeping enough landmarks to make it feel new, yet familiar at the same time.

Although that is all for now, I'll see you again next week!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Farah Figurine

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon
And/Or follow me on - Twitter

Well, no point delaying it to the end of the update since you've already noticed by now! ;D

The "merchandise" I teased about last week, is that I've begun producing figurines of the LoQO characters, with Farah being the first one out of the block and aiming for completion with more aimed to be created before the end of the year, such as Osira, Opala, Laquadia etc!
Exactly what, how, when, why and WTF is a bit clouded in mystery, even for me, at the moment, but I believe this won't be an exclusive figurine and instead available to everyone who wants to purchase one, costing around $50-$70 I think.
I don't know for sure, that's details I'll learn once the first figurine has been completed.
If the price can be lowered at the cost of me not earning any percentage of the sales, then I'll do it!

Meanwhile on game production, the next location is on the way and reaching near completion, making the count of new areas to explore bump up to five whenever I can allow gamers to access the eastern area of the Beldorian Empire.

Sorry it wasn't a dakamaka, dakimaru...a pillow, but I'll see you next week nonetheless! ;3