Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Paellicia Battlepose

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Ah, it's been a slow week...
I unfortunately don't have much to report this time as most of the work have been background tweeking related to having the party members show up in the towns, but I've also been testing a few different styles for the "Beldorian Chain" where the Rail Titans are placed, and think I've nailed the look I want to go with.

That means I need a good distraction...two big distractions, in fact!
So without futher Apu, here is a preview of the battlepose for Paellicia, Matriarch of the Harpies!
Sorry for the lack of news in this update, but hopefully her...aerodynamic...ballistics...will help you forget all about it!

Y-Yeah, so I'll see you next week again!


  1. I actually kinda like when the breasts are facing away from each other. It's like they had a little fight and now can't stand each other :-P

  2. I think her abdomen is a bit to dark, even if we say they are simply covered in shadow by her boobs. But still nice. So will these battleposes eventually replace the journal entry poses?

    1. They already have, as of the next beta. :3

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    3. Cool. When do you think the next beta will be ready? I’m guessing it won’t be by the end of September but can we expect early October?

    4. It'll definitely be in October, but I can't say for sure when.

  3. Well considering she's a summon i think this is appropriate:


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ain't that the truth! And you gotta love the first Pokémon theme, takes on a whole new meaning when you have the slightest bit of a dirty mind!

  4. hey i have a question. wheres the new mini game? i cant seem to find it

  5. I said it before and Ill say it again:She needs a tail.
