Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 40 / 2021

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Spoopy October has arrived, bowoo~

A few smaller bugs have been squashed this week, but most noticeable is probably the one related to being downed as some people had issues with having the state cured.
While I couldn't see what exactly caused this in the coding, I decided to rewrite the entire script in a different take instead that'll hopefully have the problem solved.

Besides tracking down glitches, I'm still in the process of adding the statistics menu.
I've also added Stella to Strippin' o' Die, along with including Opala, Ra'Tiki and Stella to the photoshoot mechanic and updated the game with some more International Edition illustrations.

That'll be it for today, so head back here next Tuesday for another update!


  1. This is great for updated the game with some more International Edition.

  2. I'm glad to hear that more pics for the International Edition is being added.

    I'm mostly hoping for that for Opala in Strippin o' Die personally.

  3. Irrelevant to this update but I've had a question for a while. What's up with the immemorial glade and the famine wasteland? Any hint on how it ties into the story?

  4. I have been enjoying the game, but quick question: Is there a way to not send Stella back out on an expedition? I've been wanting to get the party members I haven't used caught up but whenever I bring Stella back I dont see an option to leave the table without sending her back out.

  5. Not sure if this is a really dumb question, but is there any way to get the black dame back beyond just rewinding back to before you go to darkhorn keep?

    1. At the moment? No. She'll re-appear later in the storyline according to what they mention, though.

    2. Thats what I thought, shame. Didnt figure out how to upgrade the castle till really late so I guess I wont be able to play dice with her.

  6. I wonder if any material that you final weapons or legendary weapon like the blade of dark dragon
