Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 51 / 2022

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

The latest beta was just uploaded to my Patreon and the delay was indeed worth it as the assets I was waiting for were finished and added to the game, along with as much optional fluff I had time to squeeze in over the weekend!

Illustrations to find, trading cards to win, a mini-boss like Slender Slut and a new animation!
So for those who can, I hope you'll enjoy playing this update over the holidays!

I'll see you again next week to conclude 2022!


  1. Hi, u plan end the game next year or like 2024+? (I'm not beam meaning, just want to know if have mutch story to get in!)

  2. So still nothing concerning Opala or Beatrix being added to the tent mechanics at least? Beatrix I can sorta understand but at the same time considering where we are at in the story, that times coming close.

    Feels like Opala should've been added to the tent mechanic a long time ago. Just my 2 cents.

  3. Cecily... (Crying in the corner)

  4. huh I wonder if its possible to progress the new Osira quest beyond visiting the new locations

  5. the capital is nothing but clouds

  6. So, two things. 1) there seems to be a bug that when you either pick up an item, or unlock a title in the new areas at least, cause the auto sprint to revert back to normal walking. 2) which bullman do i talk to for osira?
