Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Last Update of 2019

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Happy New Year, everyone!

While you've all hopefully been enjoying the public release of episode 3, I've been on a break this week to celebrate christmas with family and not doing much else except being lazy and coloring some stuff for upcoming previews I'll be uploading here for the next few updates.
This is likely the week I'll get back to work, so we'll see what I have to report next Tuesday!

Be sure to enjoy New Year's Eve and look forward to what goodies 2020 might bring!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Episode III

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I wish a Merry Christmas to everyone!
I also want to take the opportunity to thank you all for the support!
And we all know why you're tuning in this week, so let's not delay any further!
Here is the public release of Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Episode III!


Please enjoy!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 51 / 2019

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Winter is coming...and the christmas release of episode 3!

Been a busy week for sure, I've went over every cutscene and character dialogue in the game to make sure all costumes are correctly displayed and that the emoticons are showing what you are wearing, since a few of them does change the emoticon.
I've also added a CG selection preview when you start a new playthrough/game, included nine more Legendary Monsters to cover every enemy type and fixed a few minor bugs.

So with that, the private release of episode 3 will be this Friday for my Patreons, with a public release being posted right here on the blog the 24th as that will already be next Tuesday!


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Naacia Reborn (Again)

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Yup, it's been a busy week!

The latest, and perhaps last, beta before the public release of episode 3 was distributed to my Patreons over the weekend and I've taken all the feedback to heart.
Opponents in Strippin' o' Die will have the odds slightly stacked against them, but I'll also be introducing two new rewards in the Encyclopedia that both boost your chances to roll higher numbers. (With both stacked, you'll never roll anything under 6 with both dice counts combined)
They also work for DareDevil's Dice.
I'm also in the process of adding the naked costumes to display in all locations and cutscenes, along with adding the missing CG styles for Strippin' o' Die.

And as you can see in this week's update, I gave SethxZoe the task to slightly redesign/modify Naacia to make her stand out a bit more, she is still the red demoness her namesake originated from, but I think he did a good job. :3

And with that, I'll see you again next Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Behelda Battlepose

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Aw'right, let's get this show on the road!

I ended up deciding to go with handing out rewards at 3, 5 and 10 victories in Strippin' o' Die while finishing adding all the prizes in the process and also having Kythie finally be a part of the tent mechanic.
So the public release of episode 3 will be around christmas, no later than the 24th of December with the next beta most likely being released at the end of this week!

Another International Edition CG Scene has been completed and the Encyclopedia updated with a few more titles based on story progression and portrait collecting for your private quarters.

To round up this update, as I'm sure you've already noticed, you get to sample Behelda's battlepose, the blacksmith who'll join Castle Warrengard after the Blackgard Stronghold arc with her Peepo assistant.

And just like that, the next week awaits!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 48 / 2019

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Looks like you guys were Puta Banana Split on the last update!
Taking the feedback into account, I think it might be best to keep things as they are (for now) but lower the rarity somewhat so the Golden Beetleblades spawns a bit more frequently.

For this week, I've gone over Castle Warrengard to correct some issues like characters not showing up without the appropriate citadel upgrades and adding rewards to the strip mini-game.
Each opponent now hands you two rewards, three if they are party members.
The first two are portraits that you can customize your private chambers with, which comes in small and large sizes, and the third reward being a nude "outfit" they can wear...uhh, or not wear?
They are currently handed out at 5, 10 and 15 victories, simply because it's a nice number, or maybe I should lower it to 3, 6 and 10 instead to cut out some time/grinding?
You will also be able to obtain portraits in other ways, as I highly doubt every female character in the game will be available for the mini-game.

I've also added missable conversations with Opala and adult Farah in the citadel if you decide to stop by between Blackgard Stronghold and Skalhalm, before the storyline calls you back there.

And with that, I'll be back again next Tuesday as always!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 47 / 2019

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Everyone, lower your eyebrows! They have no reason being that high!

It's possibly going to sound like a disappointing update since it doesn't include anything new per se as I've spent this week adding the "renegade" version of all the new camp dialogues to said places, while distributing them to the various camp locales and Castle Warrengard. (Fixing some interraction issues at the citadel I found in the process)

But I do have some thoughs I'd like to share with you guys and hear some of your input regarding those pesky, rare Golden Beetleblades spawns and the Golden Tokens they drop.
Would it improve the experience if I got rid of the "Reward" shop in the Encyclopedia, where you've been using those Golden Tokens to buy upgrades, and instead make those rewards available at normal stores within the world itself? I don't have any alternative use for the Golden Tokens planned so the change might make them currently pointless, but they could still be a source for money?

That'll be all for now, folks!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 46 / 2019

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Kept you waiting, huh...?

This week has been just as productive as the previous one, in fact, I pretty much got the exact same amount of work done too! That means three new camp dialogues are in, one each for Bal'Rana, Beatrix and Kythie, with one of them leading into a small sidequest.
I've also updated how "loot spots" show up when you have the item that makes unlooted ones appear more clearly, gone are the glowing orbs, and replaced with more of a sparkling effect.
Behelda also has her finished sprite included, with a small flexing animation on the side.

And with that, I'll see you again next week!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 45 / 2019

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Tuesday update, woot!

It's been a good week, even though it might not sound like much on paper.
Been fiddling a little here and there on some background stuff, but also adding the two Treasure Map related items to the "Reward Shop" in the Encyclopedia...something that should've been there since episode 1, I just completely forgot all about it for some reason! Dx

I've also been adding more optional camp dialogues, two with Gabrielle and one with teen Farah.
And that's really all I can think of at the moment, I'll be adding a screenshot down below for one of Gabrielle's new dialogues that may sound a bit odd out of context! But it might be just as weird in context too, so...

That's it, I'll have another fresh report for you next week as always!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 27

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It's been a week, I can tell you that...!

But probably anyone could do the same, because it literally has been a week since last Tuesday, why, it's almost common sense at this point. And while I still feel a little iffy and doing my daily coughing routines, I do feel a whole lotta better compared to last time I did the blog post.

Even clawed myself back to the computer to get some proper work done too in form of a couple of additional trading cards finished, Behelda and her Peepo sidekick implimented to Castle Warrengard and a tiny dialogue extension between Duchess Lynevere and Zweibelle at the temple in Kahr where you can attempt to talk with Lynevere before going down into the maze and uncovering the secret beneath.
Speaking of Behelda, have a sample of her default expression emoticon you've surely already looked at once or twice by now as well! Oh, and while I certainly didn't take my sick week into account, I'll still be releasing a new beta on Thursday. :3

And with that, I can tune out until next week update!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 43 / 2019

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Under normal circumstances, I probably would've passed on making an update today...
But Tuesday gotta be Tuesday, yo! And its only a weekly update if its done weekly, dammit!

It was a very smooth early ride with me finishing expanding the exterior of Duchess Mansion and being in the middle of adding a recently finished CG Scene in the International Edition style... Theeeen I caught the worst cold I ever recall having and been absolutely floored since then.
It was the worst over the weekend and I'm still sick at this very moment, but I do feel I've overcomed the worst and that it has turned around, so I fear I've got nothing else to report.

Still gonna have a few more sick days, but I should be able to get more done by next update!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 42 / 2019

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Crickey, this week went 'effing fast!

Feels like I barely got anything done in that time...although, that isn't quite true since I've colored some more trading cards, updating the Art Gallery and finishing the sidequest "Snap: Paellicia".
I'm also currently in the process of expanding the Duchess Mansion map for the idea of having a "Snap: Lynevere" sidequest where you as a proud Crusader and hero of the Beldorian Empire take on the dangerous mission of crawling through the Duchess's bushes at night, in hopes of getting a compromising photo of Lynevere...no innuendo with that line...uhh...she shaves?

But I think that's about it of what I have to report for this week, and I may as well release another beta near the end of the month too, even if it'll just have two new sidequests more or less.

So I'll see you again next week, as always!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Safe Cracking Preview

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Alrighty, have a screenshot preview of how safe cracking now looks!

The updated mechanic has already been fully implemented and a new safe added to Odidania so even those who already cracked all of them get to sample how it'll work from now on.
The audio cue you hear when a correct number is hit will likely make it a very easy mini-game, but maybe I'll have a more difficult variation come into play later in the game where that audio cue is removed and you'll have to rely on visual hints instead...we'll see!

I've also finished the sidequest called "League Invitation" and renamed it "Sharing is Caring" that will lead into another one called Snap: Paellicia, which was a previously unfinished sidequest that were very briefly available in a short-windowed beta before I remembered to remove it.
(If you already activated it before, it won't glitch or bug out anything)

Thus, this update is over and I'll see you again next Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Behelda

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And here she is, Behelda (the behemoth) who'll be setting up a forge in Castle Warrengard after the Blackgard Stronghold arc! She is Dream Weaver Helmir's granddaughter, a highly skilled and confident blacksmith who can take care of herself, running her own business with a Peepo helper she won during a visit to Festival Island. A running gag with her character will probably be a button of Behelda's shirt always blasting off like a bullet everytime she flexes her muscles.

In other news, the newest beta went up during last Sunday and the work I did before then was spent on further polishing the new content and make sure there wasn't any huge issues. I'm also completely redesigning safe cracking into a more engaging and fun mechanic than just looking for random spots in the area for the code, but rather have you turn the combination dial and listen for audio clues to get it unlocked. (With a visual aid upgrade becoming available later as well)

A preview for that will be available next week, while I for today bid you sayonara until Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 39 / 2019

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Getting used to these early updates, yet!?

Alright, I'll have the female blacksmith design ready for preview next week!
In the meantime, the work to finish episode 3 has continued with me going over several locations to add more treasure maps, optional illustrations, treasure chests and Dimensional Shards to turn them into areas you can finish and obtain the "Cleared Location" titles for, as some might've noticed certain areas like Tijia Woodlands was a rather empty before and/or unable to be cleared, despite feeling like you had done everything.

And while I said before that the previous beta was meant to be the last one until the release of episode 3, I think it'd be a bit awkward and dumb to withhold any additional beta on purpose just to keep the principle going...so, I'll release another beta this weekend instead!
It should be nearly the finished episode, with only some camp related dialogues missing and some alternative CG styles for the strip dice mini-game.

That'll do for this update, so see you again next week!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 38 / 2019

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Even earlier Tuesday update, rub-a-dub-nub!

Expanding upon the Dream Weaver thing I mentioned last week, I decided to bring a bunch of threads together and make him a character you'll encounter in a new desert location called "Hermit's Retreat". It's not a secret location, so it'll automatically show up on your map and he'll give you a sidequest that properly rewards you with the Mirror of Memories (the one you use to access the Hall of Memories), along with his services as a Dream Weaver.
He's also going to be the grandfather of the female blacksmith you obtain for Castle Warrengard through the story after the Blackgard Stronghold arc, a character currently just being a generic, male NPC but should hopefully have the default battlepose ready and be more fleshed out by next week.

On the subject of the blacksmith, this will be a kind of a Suikoden and/or Skies of Arcadia deal for those of you who have played it, where you will be able to recruit certain unique store NPC's to have them move into your citadel and open up shop instead.
That mechanic will likely not make it into episode 3 I'm afraid, although its a feature on the way!

Update: I finally added a few more figurines in the webstore!

And with that, I'm out for today!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 37 / 2019

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Early Tuesday update, nub-nub!

While all the remaining CG Scenes got their art style variations done for last Tuesday, this week I also made sure to finish the replayable memories and Art Gallery while updating everything to include the latest illustrations that are done for the International Edition.
Other fixes involves minor bugs corrected, worldmap overview finalized, making sure the proper outfit is always displayed for the protagonist during cutscenes and adding a few more details to the Imperial Castle after the siege.

The (in)famous Kythe CG Scene will also be removed and no longer serve as a roadblock to get her scene with the protagonist, instead, the change will mark the beginning of a solution to make even exploring mundane loot spots a part of unlocking new CG Scenes.
The "Dream Weaver", a form of blacksmith who can craft mystical keys that unlock new "memories" with different magical essences you can find in the world, letting you get additional CG Scenes that you decide yourself if they should be canon you didn't see with your own eyes, a vision of something that never came to pass, or something in-between.
Kythie's scene will be the first, but more are certainly planned with various characters.
(Although, no new scenes will be done in time before the release of episode 3)

And with that, we're done for week!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 36 / 2019

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It was close, but the last beta for episode 3 did indeed got released on Saturday!

Everything done up to that point was prepping the game for the distribution, and after that I've continued my work to finalize the episode for public release, fixing and tweaking stuff as I go along.
Latest fixes being a blacksmith added to Castle Warrengard after the Black Stronghold arc, Bal'Rana's presence at The Ravage Booty changing the dialogue related to her "shop" since it no longer has any purpose after being replaced with the Hall of Memories.
And lastly, the remaining CG Scenes now have all art style variations done and displayed properly.
(Not including International Edition as it'll likely miss out on being included for episode 3)

So, stay tuned for the next Tuesday update, y'all!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 35 / 2019

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Oookay, that week just vaporized into oblivion!

Well, thankfully I got stuff done, despite the time flying by! I believe all the cutscenes are wrapped up in Darkthorn Keep and the final one to conclude episode 3 and later bridge into episode 4 is done as well, although certainly done last minute today as I had another, longer cutscene in mind that I spent several days working on, yet ended up on the cutting floor and got replaced as it felt like it'd be too much information all at once...and a bit meaningless, since the main points it'd bring up will be the focus of where the story is heading next anyway.

Soooo! Guess the next beta will be out on Saturday, aye!? :D
And with that, I'll get back to work and see how much more I can patch together before then!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 34 / 2019

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It was getting pretty ding darn close, but I did a goodie!

Aaaaand to expand upon that nonsensical sentance, I meant I finally finished that climactic ending to episode 3 the other day with all dialogue, movement patterns and emoticons done! Although I'll likely double-check it once or twice before I roll out the final version.
With that out of the way, I'm currently extending another cutscene in Darkthorn Keep while adding a mini-boss to it, and also planning two more, small cutscenes taking place right after the last arc of episode 3 to wrap things up nicely.

I'm confident I'll be releasing the last beta this month, but the official release of episode 3 have to wait just a liiiiittle bit longer to ensure everything is done and polished.

So, that means I'll see you again next week as always!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 33 / 2019

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Time for your weekly dose of updateroids!

I'm still hard at work on the same cutscene I mentioned last week, and I think now after doing a practice run by myself, that it's the longest one I've done so far across all three games! Surprisingly enough, I also feel like I've managed to compile and resolve years worth of unanswered questions and mysteries into a single cutscene without making it feel clustered or rushed.
It doesn't clear up everything of course, and adds a few twists on its own, but it does deal with a lot of topics that has been lurking in the plot, both obvious and not so obvious points!

So, I'm afraid that is pretty much all I can say for now, although I certainly hope to have it done by next Tuesday as it's quite exhausting to overclock your brain with all the details. x3

And with that, I'll indeed see you during the next update again!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 26

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Aaaaand here we have a preview of the normal expression from Lynevere's emoticon set! So if people felt on the fence about her western appearance, here is an anime take on borderline GILF goodness!

Game production has been going really well this week too, I'm currently deep into the last cutscene of the Darkthorn Keep arc that'll have more lore than what you can shake TWO sticks at! Zweibelle history, Laquadia backstory, Francesca revelation and even more!
I've also gone back to several cutscenes across the game to help focus the narrative and replace a few dialogues that made sense in the past, but not so much anymore as the story changed and developed.
Most notably the dialogue between Zweibelle and Crayden, along with the old cutscene in Crimson Forest when the Tiki Tribe elder speaks of the Hikari Artifact and the "rules" about divines.

So with that, back to work for me and I'll see you next week!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Makoto

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And here she is at last!
The kuudere reporter who'll do anything to get the scoop and won't hesitate to follow the protagonist and his party to the end of the world in order to secure inteviews no one else would be able to accomplish!

She is very unlikely going to be a part of episode 3.
However, Makoto will eventually be seamlessly worked into the story as a side-character who'll hound the protagonist for exclusive stories ever since learning he is the first person to break out of Darkthorn Keep.

As for the game production itself, I've been replacing the graphics for quest-givers to make them easier to spot, and implementing visual cues to make trading card spots/holders easier to spot as well.
(With the appropriate item)

Duchess Lynevere has also been added to the game and completely replaced Mistress Gloria who was one of the guests at the High Lord Gathering, along with belonging to the wealthiest family in the Empire and also funding the dig site in Kahr, with a sample of her emoticon set being presented next week!

And with that, I'll chill for the rest of my birthday and see you again next week as always!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Camera Preview

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No, this actually isn't a late April Fool's Joke!
(I didn't get to finalize the reporter's color palette, so I updated the previous blog post with a slight tweak and will be making this camera thingie the feature of the week)

Yes! As I was adding the second new Traveling Scholar challenge and scheming what kind of reward he should give, I came up with the idea of adding a form of camera that can be turned on/off just like sprinting and will slightly change interractions with NPC's.
Right now, it serves nothing more than a little extra fun and interractive way to finish certain side-quests related to photographing, yet leaves a lot of room for potential growth later on.
It's also possible the camera view could be customized with different unlockable "shells", like the Laquadia one displayed in the screenshot preview below.
Oh, and the sample is by no mean final, merely how it looks right this moment.

In other news, two additional side-quests have been added, with one indeed related to the camera and with Mayor Willheed getting a original design with his old one replaced.

But next week, the reporter should be good to go!
And next Tuesday also happens to be my birthday, it's almost an annual thing!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Duchess Lynevere

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Early Tuesday update for the WOOT!

I know, but hear me out! Before you groan over yet another pair of huge boobies squishing up against your computer screen, let me calm you down with pointing out next week's reveal will be a girl with a chest only rivaled by Ra'Tiki in terms of tiniest titties to balance things out!

With that out of the way, let me introduce you to the visibly eldest woman out of the entire cast, the self-important and vain Duchess Lynevere.
She'll have a few side-quests related to her and be the owner of an estate, previously known as Duke's Tavern before the name change.
Lynevere belong to one of the richest families in the Beldorian Empire, and I may alter the story slightly to have her replace the current NPC who attended the High Lord Gathering and is funding the digsite at Kahr.

In terms of what I have done this week, I've been working more on side-quests and expanded upon one of them to include some fanservice and more Gabrielle shenanigans, although no new CG Scenes as it's too late now in production to add additional ones for episode 3.
(But there will of course be plenty more later on!)

However, the International Edition artist have completed another full CG Scene too!

So with that, stay tuned for next week!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 28 / 2019

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Tuesday update, coming at ya!

Let me kick off with saying I have two new female characters in the pipeline!
No major characters, but one who'll play a bit of the same role Gabrielle had in LoQOII, as in someone you'll run into here and there across the game, and another who'll be akin to Duchess Velvetta from LoQOII with a few side-quests/optional content related to her.
I'll go into more detail about these characters in the upcoming blog updates as I reveal their personalities and show off previews of their appearances. :3

This week, I've mostly been resuming my work on adding additional side-quests, with a few more added to Odidania and with one of them being related to this Duchess Velvetta-styled noblewoman, who'll also likely be the one to live at the currently named "Duke's Tavern" location, although with a name change and an interior make-over.

And that'll have to do for now, so I'll see you again next Tuesday!