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And we're back to the regular format of silliness!
With the latest beta out as of yesterday, or Sunday depending on where you live, the week leading up to that point has mostly just been tweaking things for the release and doing playtesting.
Since that would normally make for a very short update, I did mentioned last Tuesday I would be filling you in on an alternative take of the Howling Moon Clan Arc I decided to scrap.
So if you haven't experienced that part yet, you may want to bail out at this point.
The alternative sequence played out much the same until you defeated Cheiftain Gin.
But the protagonist felt she was holding back, being confronted with that, Gin explains she lost on purpose in hope it would set up for a peaceful pact between the Vargonians and Neifus.
At that point you would've had three choices, the two available in the current version and one more where you let Gin challenge you for letting the Howling Moon Clan stay with the Tiki Tribe.
Here is where you could pull an evil card and only accept the challenge if Gin stripped down in front of her pack and fought you naked for the rematch.
If you won again, the Vargonians would be kicked out, and if you lost they'd stay with the Neifu.