Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 22 / 2023

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Doors, a closed one is meant to be opened...or...something, whatever.

With the cutscene in Port Ronod introducing Admiral Gallus and Instructor Stella now becoming a manditory story sequence, the overall structure and nearly every cutscene in the game between waking up in your chamber to encountering Masquerade for the first time in the Imperial Castle, has been updated or even remade entirely.
Meeting up with Beatrix by the docks to saying farewell to your teacher before she is heading out for the Kingdom of Namaria in her next contract will be the other requirement to visting Cecily at the Homestead before reporting back to Crayden, which you can do in either order.
I've also changed so the Traveling Scholar will always be available in Port Ronod, no matter time of day, as it was too easy to overlook him and miss out on the useful teleportation unlock he offers.
Finally, there was an issue with the Sewing Kit item not working properly with Farah that was brought to my attention and has now been corrected.

With one minute left of this Tuesday, that'll be all!