Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 35 / 2023

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This week has been really hard to the core, hardcore even!
90% across all various timelapse scenarios of Colussia has either been corrected, edited or rewritten entirely to take the overall lore of the entire game into consideration, as some of the older dialogues was severely outdated or just plain wrong for this point in game development.
And we're talking about every single NPC here, so no small undertaking!
A small example is the seven tombstones outside the Grand Cathedral now being seven monoliths devoted to the gods/goddesses who descended upon the world and survived the Divine War, an event that took place ages ago following the one between the Lunasterians and the Dragons of the Nine.

Apart from that, I've included some additional ambiance and streamlined searching through looting spots so the main character no longer states he found something each time you do, and instead just gives you the ding-darn loot already!
Drawers, desks, cabinets etc. also makes a small sound appropriate to how it would sound to open them, but at a lower volume than usual, to add some more immersion than just hearing the music track.

That should be all for today, see you again next week!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 34 / 2023

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With the Hunter Board now available in each town, it's funnily enough only missing from Castle Warrengard, the single place it was meant to original appear.
While this might initially sound weird, the delay is because the citadel alone need a bit of a rearrangement of some textures/graphics with all the upgrade variations taken into consideration.
The new battleposes for all female monsters and their downed/distress sets has also been added to be in the same art style as that of the main party and such, along with a bunch of CG Scenes now updated with Beastman versions, such as Laquadia's latest cowgirl crowdfunder situation and nearly all of the most recent Bad Endings.

I think that covers about everything for this week, so I'll see you in the next one!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 33 / 2023

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The Hunter Board is now fully completed!
It took a little extra time adding the 33 targets (2 being the Ultima monsters) to it as I had to ensure the provided information about each one wasn't giving out spoilers and mention locations or monsters you haven't even discovered yet.
Each contract is automatically updated though whenever you do find those enemies and areas.
I've also been working on a third battle command you can learn from the questionable grandmaster, that'll tie in with a new location called "Cirque des Monstres" and the overhaul of the battleposes for all female monsters.

That's all for today, I'll be back again next Tuesday as always!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 32 / 2023

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I decided to go for the branching path in the latest cutscene!
While this obviously takes longer to make, I think it's a nice payoff and a bit of a fan service.
I shouldn't spoil the surprise, but know when you get an option, the "taller" person was originally not intended for the scenario.

The Hunter Board is almost done too, and while I thought to have it be located right outside the front entrance to Castle Warrengard, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have one appear next to the inn at every town for convenience and also make it accessable before you even get to the citadel.

And that's about it for today, the work must go on!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 31 / 2023

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Even more storymode content has been worked on, this would be the third cutscene and the most tricky one that'll likely take some time to land right as I'm still considering if there should be a branching path in there or if it'll make more sense to have it be strictly straight-forward.

But I've also been working on a "Hunter Board" to make finding legendary monsters easier.
You can find a preview below of how it currently looks without the active/selected transparency.
Hollow contracts with the questionmark signals you haven't unlocked that legendary yet, and selecting that will let you know what kind of common monster you need to defeat to have it spawn while also listing your current progression to that endeavour.
Open contract showing the legendary mean it can now be found somewhere in the world, and selecting that will both list it's name, along with the specific location of where it has appeared.
Sealed contract means the legendary has been defeated and will specify which one if you select it.
And finally, special monsters that have different requirements are in gold!

Thus, I'll see you again next Tuesday!