Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 32 / 2023

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I decided to go for the branching path in the latest cutscene!
While this obviously takes longer to make, I think it's a nice payoff and a bit of a fan service.
I shouldn't spoil the surprise, but know when you get an option, the "taller" person was originally not intended for the scenario.

The Hunter Board is almost done too, and while I thought to have it be located right outside the front entrance to Castle Warrengard, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have one appear next to the inn at every town for convenience and also make it accessable before you even get to the citadel.

And that's about it for today, the work must go on!


  1. Work must go on! Lol, nice Freddy reference 😂.

  2. Always hoping to hear about the next beta update (or more people being added to the die game/tent mechanic) but any update is always good news, as long as it's not saying that your health has gone downhill.

  3. A branching path and a "'taller' person"? Color me intrigued. As for the boards, I think having them outside of inns is a good idea, but only in major cities/locations (somebody has to update each one, right?). You could even add a short cutscene with a courier who installs a board in Warrengard after establishing your forces.
