Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 49 / 2023

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Ho ho hoes! Only a few more weeks before Christmas!

Apart from doing a bit of fixing here and there, the main event I've been working on since last Tuesday is adding a church dedicated to the Goddess Primoria I've had in the backlog for a while.
Originally I was looking for a good place to make it a secret location, but due to the lack of mentioning of her in the main story up until later parts, I decided to instead change the chapel in Illusian Forest. (The place where you rescue a certain damsel in distress and meet Naacia)
You'll also be able to visit Illusian Forest in the...alternative...world, yeah.

I think that's all I had for today, so I'll see you next week!


  1. Thanks for the update Gabe, do you have any news on main story progress coming soon at all? The main story is definitely my favorite part of the game I think you popped off on it, and you had said you're aiming for the full release by the end of 2023. I was very immersed in the world building while playing but I think I'd have to start over to get back into it again.

  2. The "alternate" world is gonna get some love? Sweet. That place creeps me out and I love it! I was hoping to see some more stuff for that place at some point.

    I'll be looking forward to the update, whenever it comes.

  3. I have been super curious about that alternative world for a long time. Ready to see some updates to it.
