Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 48 / 2023

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While there has been some touching up here and there, the main focus during this last week has been on the support role characters and giving them the unique skills you get while they're active.
Some more useful than others, but chances are you'll be running with the babe you want to see the most by your side, rather than who is the most effective in a combat scenario.
There will be four of them (at least) in the next beta being released sometime before christmas.
Plenty additional ones will come at a later date too!

Each one will have two "outfits" with one being dressed and the other...nude, naturally!
Maybe more later on since I overcame a pretty big hurdle when I realized who you have with you has to affect changes made to your usual outfits if you decided to change into something else.
Which, uhh, is surprisingly difficult to explain, but it would've been a nightmare to implement if I hadn't thankfully solved that in a much more graceful way than wall-o-text-coding.

And that's it for today, see you next week!


  1. Glad to hear a new beta's coming out soonish.

    Also glad to hear that they'll have different outfits and now I'm mostly curious how to recruit some of them... and who they are, obviously.

  2. You have no clue how excited I am for those CGs! Also I forgot to mention but I hope you had a good thanksgiving if you partake in it Gabe!
