Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 17 / 2024

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Work on the Tavern Wench Challenge continues!

Almost broke my brain trying to get some of the mechanics to work, but I'm getting there.
So here comes an overview of the statistics that'll be affecting different parts of the mini-game!

[Speed] affects the cooldown timer after each sip, allowing you to progressively get faster.
[Popularity] affects how quickly each emptied mug is refilled by the helpful, male participants.
[Efficiency] was the hardest one to implement, it both affects how much you chug down with each interraction, but also how severe the negative impact of "defiled" drinks have.

Apart from Gabrielle who has the personal skill that gives her 3x EXP from normal drinks, "defiled" ones give you 5x EXP if you are able to down them, but it's a gamble if your [Efficiency] is too low that could end up wasting valuable time as each round is scored on the amount of drinks finished, and not the difficulty/quality of the content.

That has to be it for today, hopefully I'll have all of this finished by next week!


  1. The defiled drinks sounds like an interesting thing to deal with.

    Are they going to be random or show up at set intervals, or only when dealing with certain types of customers?

  2. Could someone please help me with the location of treasure map #1?

  3. Hey, apologies if that was a topic here already. A long time ago you teased a gameplay mechanic that looked like prostitution (?) of some of the girls, also including items and stats. Was that idea scrapped or did it inspire you for this TWC mechanic? Big fan of repeatable mechanics. Thanks!

    1. It's gonna show up but it's on the backburner. I remember asking about this some time ago and Gabe said that the main story will take priority for now.

    2. Yes, we all want us to advance in the story... I remember when the Pj asks his mother if he likes someone and he says that there is the high priestess Laquadia and Commander Beatriz... I would like to be able to marry him to one of the two
