Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 26 / 2024

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One more for the road!

When correcting some things regarding the party rememberence mechanic, I noticed the coding for it had a small flaw that could trigger when having a full team and in turn make characters not appear in the correct order when rejoining, which was kind of the whole point of the mechanic.
While nothing major, I still couldn't leave it ignored and spent some time getting it right.

The Tavern Wench Challenge has also been added to Gentlemen's Club, although I'm currently in the process of adding the planned modifications to make it slightly different than at other taverns or the version you can unlock at Castle Warrengard.

I believe that's about it for today, so I'll see you again next week as always!


  1. Now I'm curious what's going to be different about that one...

    I'm also trying to figure out Kristalia's ability. The others are obvious but hers just seems... I dunno. Like a place holder?

    Unless it's meant down the line that you can't spam the same girl due to her being too full, with her being the sole exception due to her ability. If so, fair.

    As always, keep up the good work!

    1. It's more or less just there to explain how she can even keep up with everyone else, despite being pocket sized. x)
