Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 31 / 2024

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I don't even remember the last time I did this...
But I guess the specific date landing on a Tuesday is pretty rare and often many years between, and that would be my birthday which so happens to be on this very day!

The amount of work I've managed to do over this week has been very minimal, mostly bug fixing and some map tweaking that doesn't require too much brain power with my limited energy.
I've slowly improved my sleep over the days though with helpful tips from the community, steadily increasing the amount per day from a mere single hour the previous week, to hitting 6 today.
If it continues to follow in that trajectory, this should be the last week I'm being held back.

So I'll be around for next Tuesday too, let's see what it brings!


  1. Happy birthday and glad that your sleep is improving!

  2. congratulations on surviving another year without losing youthful energy
