Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2021

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Holy shiitake, it's Tuesday again!

Unfortunately, I ran into a bit of a block on how to handle the ending to Gabrielle's side-story during the middle of the week, and while that has been solved by now, it still took up a few days.
During that period, I've instead dedicated my time to polishing the current content for the upcoming beta later this month, making small improvements and play-testing certain parts to ensure they work as intended with the photostudio mechanic being one of the things I'm most proud of.

So let's use this week to summon up what will be new in the next beta!
- Big Encyclopedia update with additional rewards and previously missing titles added
- Story content, filling the gap between leaving The Magna Gerulus to arriving at the Divine Palace
- Four new locations, one currently exclusive to Gabrielle's side-story and one fairly well hidden
- Photostudio mechanic with around eight characters to unlock/already have unlocked
- Three new costumes, one for Gabrielle, Bal'Rana and Kythie each
- Aaaaand two new side-quests

If it can be done in time, it'll also have a CG Scene between the protagonist and Gabrielle.

I think those are the main points, but there are a bunch of minor stuff too.
But with that, it'll be the end of this week's update!


  1. "If it can be done in time, it'll also have a CG Scene between the protagonist and Gabrielle"


    Stop it don't give me hope, it's like dangling meet to a starving dog i've been waiting for CGs(yes plural) between the main character and Gabrielle four years!!!

    1. Well, one is certainly coming! (On Gabrielle's face)

    2. And here's hoping that's just the appetizer! The more CGs between the main character and Gabrielle the better, i say!

  2. "Three new costumes, one for Gabrielle"
    Can never have too many Gabrielle costumes imo

  3. Hi, I stumbled upon this game recently and I've really been enjoying it, so great job!

    Also a quick question, does Seth still draw CG art for your game? I had a look at his pixiv but there hasn't been a post in years, which made me wonder if he's still around.

    1. Could be isn't posting anything because he has been busy with my game? He did jump in much later than the other artists and have been playing catch-up ever since, but he is nearly there!

  4. so swegabe when the beta is ready ?

    1. Later this month, as mentioned in the update post.

    2. so in the later version, Swegabe a player can vist previous location of LOQO and LOQO 2 ?

    3. When you reach a point in the story where you get your own ship, yeah, you'll be able to visit a few familiar, optional locations from previous games. :)

  5. well nothing is well hidend since i am explorin ecery pixel of maps. i have characters of lvl 80-sh soooo i hope next beta wont be 10 minutes of storyline with sidequests etc. I played previous games and grinded them 100% so when it comes to this one i have much more job to do playing different arts, day and night walking and talking to people. But this one is taking quite some time to be finished. Still keep up the good work and thank you for your time invested in producing this game.

    1. If you consider how much bigger this game is in terms of...well, everything, compared to LoQO2, you may understand why it's also taking twice as long to make. :)

  6. may I ask what is that encyclopedia referring to? a encyclopedia in the game?

    1. There's an item called "Encyclpoedia" in game, which lists what titles you have found (or a hint on how to obtain them), what illustrations you found, battle log (discovered enemies and so on), Rewards (trade Golden Tokens for them) and Statistics (game progress, Crystals activated and so on).

  7. When should we expect the next free release? Been waiting for the good stuff for more than a year now.
