Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 9 / 2021

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Guess there is no point in mincing words...this week has been helluva good!

And it's been in areas that make for a good Tuesday post too, so let's get started!
First of all, I'm currently in the process of updating the titles in the Encyclopedia to list a few missing ones and correct some that wasn't 100% accurate.
The entire Gabrielle sub-plot about going to the Drowning Castle for a score is nearly done too, I only have the closing cutscene left before I move over to the "reward" part everyone has been looking forward to...wink...wink...smirk...smirk...

Two additional side-quests has also been added, with one of them being the previously missing feature of getting Laquadia a nice little outfit for her to wear during the Strippin' o' Die mini-game, which will be mandatory to do once, but if you've already played against her before, that doesn't matter as everything will pick up exactly how things were left off once you finish that side-quest.
Finally, I reduced the requirements for triggering Elin's CG Scene.

And that'll be the weekly round-up for now, see you again next Tuesday!


  1. "getting Laquadia a nice little outfit" Well now i'm imagining 3 little ripped pieces of paper being glued(or spunk it's quite sticky) on her nippels and clit, now that would be a small costume! Maybe it's not that costume but hey it's a suggestion. :P

  2. I am wondering what kind of outfit it will be ?

  3. I want a cow bikini for Illumi on the minigame.

  4. I sure do hope a happy ending for Osira

    1. Unless you mean that in the "deep tissue massage" way, I don't think it's going to happen unless an evil route gets added to the game. And her vs the Serpent God feels like a Lavos v Magus situation if you've played Chtono Trigger

  5. Are there plans to have CG cutscenes for the tent/slave mechanic or just the sprite and text?
