Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Gin Battlepose

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Halloween is getting closer, get ready in case Mummy Farah comes knocking on your door and begs for a treat!

And here we have the battlepose for Gin, Cheiftain of the Howling Moon Clan.
No matter how you resolved the situation at the temple with the Tiki Tribe, you can look forward to having Gin as an partymember at a later date, making her the second optional recruit!

As for game development,
I've finished updating all the illustrations and even found out one was currently missing before correcting that.
It was obtainable earlier, but I think I accidently removed it when I changed the interior at the Queen's Landing inn.
If you've missed it before, it'll just magically show back up again in the next release and with no additional input required by the player.
I've also created more assets to improve how cliffsides blend together with water.

That should cover everything for today, I'll see you again next week!


  1. I'm just curious as to when she'll become playable personally. Eh, no rush.

  2. Opala's Tent Mechanic still isn't in the game

  3. I'm just curious as to when she'll become playable personally and sex buddy. Depends on opinion ?

  4. I'm considering joining but I don't have the time to grind through years worth of game... does this game come with a skip mode or an abridged version? Console commands? Just ways to cut through some of the time consuming repeated tasks that inevitably make their way into these games?
