Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 05 / 2024

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If I have very little to say and hasn't been taking time off...that's a good sign!

And that is the case for this week as well, with continued focus on story as I've jumped to the next cutscene taking place at a different location that'll be setting up the following arc.
There will be yet another cutscene taking place at Castle Warrengard too, but you will be able to do them in any order you like after the lore dump sequence I mentioned in the previous weeks.

That marks the end of this brief update and I'll see you again next week!


  1. As always, keep up the good work!

    Now I'm curious what the next lore dump will be...

  2. Kinda wondering who will be getting the Tent mechanic treatment next.

    1. Hoping for Layla or Behelda personally. Well, we'll see.
