Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 20 / 2024

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The nitty-gritty is taking a bit longer than anticipated with the Tavern Wench Challenge...!

In all honesty, I had to scale back on my vision for the mini-game as it would've just taken too much time to add every single detail I wanted while some decisions would've probably made the presentation and UI clash with the rest of the game.

Nevertheless, everything will be done before the next beta release for later this month!
The challenge has been implemented to every tavern by now and I've also taken the liberty of creating some additional assets to update the interior for some places on the Frozen Continent to give them more of an unique look/feeling.

Hopefully players will feel it'll be worth it in the end, though!


  1. Glad to hear a new beta is dropping. Now I have something to look forward to after I start my chemo :)
