Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 21 / 2024

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I won't say it, because you already know what this week is all about.
Apart from Gentlemen's Club, the Tavern Wench Challenge is now finished with every character.
I had to temporarily remove the Stable Wench and Prison Wench options from Castle Warrengard as they clashed and weren't compatible with the new UI, but I should hopefully have time to add them back in before the next beta is out.
On the flip side, I created a hidden currency system for points you'll be getting for every new trophy you earn during the challenges, since it's far easier for me to remove them later if my ideas doesn't pan out, rather than including them retroactively.

I also need to finalize the whole party remembering mechanic I was working on prior to this.
Then there is also implementing the full-sized resolution images for Strippin' o' Die, etc...

Anyhoo, see you next Tuesday as always!

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