Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 22 / 2024

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This will be the last week mostly focusing on the Tavern Wench Challenge...I promise!

Because only the event at Gentlemen's Club is left, although I don't think I have time to arrange that before the next beta is coming out on Thursday since I want to do a little more with it.
The Stable Wench and Prison Wench variations are added back in and the storymode sequences at Brightstone and Queen's Landing related to the mini-game has been seamlessly integrated into the cutscenes to have you play it there as well with some minor dialogue tweaks.
The only other thing I don't think I'll be able to finish in time, but will be added in later, is a difference between each tavern when it comes to the order the drinks are poured to include a touch of strategy on how you chug them to maximize profit.

The party remembering mechanic is fully implemented by now too, however, it's proven to be extremely difficult to playtest with fixed presets without playing the game normally...so hopefully it should work as intended unless I missed a partymember trigger I didn't account for.

And with that, look forward to the next beta in a couple of days!


  1. Replies
    1. So, tried out the beta and I found a rather weird (and somewhat annoying) bug:

      If you exit out of the Tavern Wench challenge menu, the game just freezes - I'm unable to move or interact with anything. I don't know why this happens.

    2. I've also ran into a bug with the Tavern Wench challenge. Started a brand new playthrough and got until the part where we witness Gabrielle doing the challenge for the first time. After finishing that first tutorial challenge, I was unable to talk with any of the bartenders in either of the cities, no matter whether it is day or night. I was stupid enough to overwrite the only save file I was using, so 12 hours of playtime and grinding might be down the drain. I will continue playing until we get to recruit Bal'Rana, perhaps her involvment will trigger something in the challenge that makes the bartenders interactible again.

    3. Found another bug, though this one is weird and purely visual:
      I have the Gold trophy for both Gabrielle and Bel'Rana in Castle Warrengard, but if I check my record in any other city, it incorrectly lists them as having the Silver trophy there.

    4. I'll release an updated beta in the next couple of days with fixes for all of these issues.
      As for being unable to interract with barkeepers after Gabrielle's tutorial, there is a workaround if you've reached far enough to unlock your private chambers at Castle Warrengard, inviting anyone to your room with fix the issue with the barkeepers...as odd as it may sound.

    5. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but I can't change Laquaida's type - she can only do the Tavern Wench challenge.

      If I change it to something else and then click on her, nothing happens but I can choose another girl as normal right after.

      Now to find who the last one is for the Tavern Wench challenge...

  2. hi gabe, will cecily show up in summer cove?
