Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 26 / 2021

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Time to nail down one more of these!

This is another week almost entirely spent on the expedition mechanic.
The majority probably being on making the fog of war adapting to every outcome, as each point liberated dissolve a portion of the fog and reveals additional locations to explore/liberate.
It came down to 27 variations in total.

I've also added some illustrations for scenes and mini-games previously missing other art styles, along with updating the displayed text for when gaining/losing relationship and the hero/renegade points during conversations so it's displayed in the same font as the dialogue.

But that's all for this week, so onward to the next Tuesday!


  1. How many points do you think you'll be able to explore/liberate in the next version?

    Keep up the good work!

    1. I may have to intentionally limit it due to no illustrations currently done yet, maybe you'll be able to liberate three points out of around eight?

    2. Hey, more than I thought at least. Sounds like fun!

  2. Eli will have some rape content?

  3. And so the fog of war is lifted on what Swegabe's been doing on the game this week.

  4. Will this game have a training mechanic like in the second one?
    with monsters and animals?

    1. It already has a form of training mechanic related to the Tavern Wench Challenge, but I don't think what was in LoQO2 will return for this one.
