Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 12 / 2022

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Life would be so much easier if we just got rid of daylight savings...

As mentioned last week, some massive overhauls have been done on the game!
Not only about the Feather of Awakening being functional in every encounter apart from storyline bosses, but you can now also toggle sprint ON/OFF and access the Quick-Menu from anywhere.
Quick-Menu being a fast way to access all the essentials with one button, such as the Art Gallery, Encyclopedia, Journal, checking if an expedition is still in progress, etc.

The new beta will be hitting this weekend will all of that included, altough there won't be enough time to polish these features within the timeframe, they will still be in the beta as I just mentioned, but I have to manually go over every cutscene in the game and appoint them with a "tag" so the game know they are cutscenes and not just a short conversation or like a door opening.
This is to prevent the Quick-Menu and sprint toggle to interfere or possible overwrite some commands if you were to intentionally, or unintentionally, trying to access these two mechanics while a cutscene is playing out.

And with that technical conclusion, I'll see you again next week!


  1. Honestly I would like to see more content with Osira

  2. Will we get some more anal scenes with Old Farah or Opala or anyone else? :)

  3. Glad to hear we're getting the update this weekend - I'll be looking forward to it!

    I'm glad we'll be able to sprint from the get go and unless I'm completely off the hook, you mentioned us getting some other item instead of the Boots of Rushing, which we'll have automatically, right?

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Hmm...Now that improvement mod will be kinda useless.

  5. Honestly I would like to see more content with Osira, I truly appreciate it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I enjoy all this features but any idea on when will the next story update be? Btw, every time I use the expedition, my screen goes black. Also, two of the quests from those to free some places say in progress even if I already did them (Odidania/Caimbridge).
