Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Update

Tuesday update, get hyped!

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Let me begin with re-capping, in case some people missed the extra update announcement I made in the middle of last week - the storymode in LoQO: Origin - Episode I is officially completed and the finished episode will be released for everyone later this month on the 31st of August!

And it really has been a productive week, best one in six month!
Besides finishing the storymode, I've also managed to add several sidequests, one more mini-scene and some more collectable illustrations/trading cards.
Between now and the release date, I'm really going to try and pack the game with as much content and polish as possible to make it the best experience I can for those who've been waiting. :D

And with that, I'll share a screenshot from the game.
What you see is me playing as a wolf in Beastman Mode, wearing the default outfit and visiting a house in the city of Brightstone during nighttime. :)

I'll see you again next week!


  1. OMG How can you leave one of the letter's on the floor ! :P

    Ain't Posted on this blog for a while :)

    1. Now you know where at least one "Lost Illustration" can be found. ;D

  2. oh my god OH MY GOD ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. You know it's when you're in the final stretch of waiting for something to come out that it gets hard, so close yet so far but still patience is a virtue. and i like the picture you choose for this: hey guys it's me playing the game no biggie.....teeeeease!

    1. Can't say that was my intention. xD

    2. Teasing is like having big tists sometimes you don't intend to flaunt them but this happens http://i.imgur.com/UHW4F4S.gif

    3. Good, good now come here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. you will send the link of this beta for email ?

  5. Oh geez, competing with MGS 5, that's some choice to make.

  6. Guard 1: Soldiers to arms! There is a savage wolfman in the city!
    Guard 2: No wait! Belay that order! That wolfman is wearing pants.
    Guard 1: Oh yes, I see. Never mind men, It's just a fine young gentlemutt taking a stroll.

    1. Hehe. x3
      The line between wolfman and werewuffie comes down to the pants.
      If they figure out how to wear them, the world is doooooomed!

    2. That and Werewuffies tend to chase their tails and lick their balls in front of people.
      Wolfmen only lick their balls in privacy, they're much more civilized.

  7. Can i get a hawwww yahhhh!


  8. I'm glad it's coming along so well! Haven't seen you this excited in a long time with the year you were having. You seem more hyped than we are :D!

    So do you think you will hold off on a beta and just go with the full release? Either way I'm excited. Strangely enough, even though you have a mini scene and more trading cards, I'm more excited about the side quests. I think your writing for those are hilarious! I love playing them!

    1. I'm just very happy to be back, I feel the best when I'm allowed to be creative and work! ^^
      There will be at least one more beta between now and the release, have to make sure all the new content work for everyone, after all. x3

    2. "I feel the best when I'm allowed to work!"

      German genes i see! ;)

    3. Speaking of German genes, Gabe I have a question about Beatrix, I don't remember if you already said whether she will have a voice actor, but whether she does or she doesn't, what kind of voice do you imagine her having. Will she have a accent? If so what kind? Will her voice be more emotionless/serious?

    4. That is a good question, I'm not sure yet!
      But she certainly won't be emotionless, serious sounds more correct. :3

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  10. so with the episode coming out this month i have read about the golden beetles or whatever to unlock stuff. are they just around or do they randomly spawn everytime you enter an area?

    1. There are some specific areas in which they have a chance to spawn, i recommend the map middle, the second map in grassland road a firewolf ther spawn a golden beetle. Hope it helps.

  11. Episode 1 coming out already? Sweet! I'm looking forward to playing it.
    Maybe someone can help me out with a problem I've been having. I've been Playing LoQO 2 golden edition for a bit and every time I try to exit the first city from the west exit to the world map my 'script hangs' and the game crashes. I'm using the most current version of Wineskin but it's just not working. Does anyone have a clue as what to do?

    1. A common problem for script hangs is when the computer refuses the game engine to play voice clips, if this is the case, then technically the game should crash when you start over as well since the "warning" message plays a clip.

      Otherwise I'm not sure, try restarting the computer and see if that helps!

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