Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 48 / 2023

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While there has been some touching up here and there, the main focus during this last week has been on the support role characters and giving them the unique skills you get while they're active.
Some more useful than others, but chances are you'll be running with the babe you want to see the most by your side, rather than who is the most effective in a combat scenario.
There will be four of them (at least) in the next beta being released sometime before christmas.
Plenty additional ones will come at a later date too!

Each one will have two "outfits" with one being dressed and the other...nude, naturally!
Maybe more later on since I overcame a pretty big hurdle when I realized who you have with you has to affect changes made to your usual outfits if you decided to change into something else.
Which, uhh, is surprisingly difficult to explain, but it would've been a nightmare to implement if I hadn't thankfully solved that in a much more graceful way than wall-o-text-coding.

And that's it for today, see you next week!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 47 / 2023

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Pretty much back in business!

Since there isn't a coding MacGuffin that magically correct everything for you with the press of a button, I've painstakingly and manually gone over every single Ruby Chest, Dream Chest, Master Hen'Tai location, shop purchase marker, locked spot, weak wall, poster and etc. to have them all be updated with how the menus are meant to look now.

It might seem like a minor detail, but consistancy is an important way to correctly convey information to the player of what an action does from the visuals alone.
Such as whenever the protagonist is given a choice, words you speak are written like normal, text within (these) indicate a thought while [this] points to an action/command being taken.
It's probably common sense for most people, but you never know when it might end up useful!
I also clarified a bit more on what posters do in-game and allows you to revert them back to their original state if you wish to do so, along with highlighting the required item you're about to use when interracting with locked stuff or about to blow something up.

That'll be the wrap-up for today, so onward to next Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 46 / 2023

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon

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Oih, what a week...!

Keep your enthusiasm to a minimum for this one, because I'm afraid I haven't really been able to accomplish much besides finishing touching up on the in-game menus.
It's just been a series of unfortunate events that accumulated to me getting food poisoning yesterday, fun stuff, but at least the worst should be over and I'm slowly getting it back together.
So there is totally no need to worry about me since normally it wouldn't even had been worth mentioning, but as it interfered with work, I had to explain the why and whatnot!

Let's hope for more productive results for next Tueday instead!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 45 / 2023

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon

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Good mooooorning, Tuesday!

I spoke too soon about the menu thing being all done as I decided to give it a second pass to further change and tidy up some things, but it's also good that I did because I found several things I obviously overlooked during my first run through.
And while I feel far more confident about it now, I'm still keeping an older build as a permanent back-up in case I've accidently removed something from any interraction.

I've also added three new cutscenes related to the atelier that is tiggered by doing a photoshoot with a specific character, each one unlocking a duo photoshoot opportunity between the two females who appear in the cutscene before it.

Although, that's it for this week!