Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 14 / 2020

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Yes, it is I...me!

Yesterday the beta I teased about last week was distributed among my Patreons.
That usually means most of the work up to that point was prepping for the release and making sure everything was working correctly...which it was, thankfully!
Other than that, I've been working on the next cutscene with a few soft resets on certain dialogues in it to make it all "click", as it'll be something that leads into the next CG Scene which will feature the protagonist and Osira, well, depending on your choises that is.

But there unfortunately isn't much else to report for this week.
So with that update lite, I'm off and scheduled for a return next Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 13 / 2020

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Early Tuesday update!

And let's kick off today with sum' good news, the inclusion of Elin's CG Scene in the next beta seem very likely now if I wait until the end of the month for the release! Which means you can look forward to that, three sidequests I have reported here before and just enough story to let you leave Homestead and learn where you are going to be heading/doing next.

So this week have mostly been preparing for the beta release, testing the content myself and adding/tweaking things in Colussia before the invasion to have some NPC's offer new dialogue after the destruction of the first Iron Spire.

With that, I'm outta here and back to work!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 28

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Cameo by Master Bation...except not!

There is only Ice Queen Celestia.
That is the divine mother of all crystal fairies you can check out in her default expression emoticon on the side!
Since half of last week was dedicated to the Frozen Continent, let's just jump over to what's new instead!

First of all, two more CG Scenes has been updated with the International Edition style, which makes it only three left before all scenes as of the end of episode 3 are covered.
(Not counting mini-games)

Speaking of scenes, I've also added a brand new one between the protagonist and Elin, which may or may not be included in this month's beta depending on if any illustrations are completed in time.
On top of that, the three latest sidequests I've mentioned earlier received a bit more attentioned and some various small bugs have been squashed.
Finally, I'm now seriously considering adding the sprint option to indoor locations, although that would require more work than you might expect as indoor cutscenes were programmed knowing the default speed of the player would be slower.

And with that, back to work! See you all next Tuesday as always!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Azastral & Celestia Battlepose

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Who's up for some divine globetrotters? Bazongas!? NUNGA NUNGAS!? BOOOOOOBS!!

Sorry, I don't know what came over me...but this week I'm reintroducing the divine couple King Azastral and Queen Celestia, the gods of Fire and Ice, rulers of the Illythium Kingdom.
(The Frozen Continent)
As the story will shortly take you there to inform Beatrix's people of Kin'Aurea's appearance, you will run into the divine pair at the snowy capital of Luminessa.
Their battleposes are done, combined and listed with this update!

I've also had a pretty productive week with three new sidequests added to the game, not just random ones, but some that dwelves deeper into some characters and the story lore.
So with that, I can finally announce the first new beta since the release of episode 3 will be hitting my Patreon later this month with those sidequests included, a International Edition CG Scene update and whatever else I'll be able to make until then!

And thus, the weekly update is donzo for this Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2020

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We're truckin' alon', y'all!

The capital of the Frozen Continent now has a name, Lumenia!
Speaking of which, I've finished all the indoor maps for that location with the exception of the palace, which ended up being on the larger count size with only Colussia rivaling it in size.
I've also been planning some side-quests which would result in some more in-game photo opportunities like the one that has been available with Paellicia.

There is a heist with Gabrielle on the table as well that might result in you finally getting to tap that booty, with another event with her that'll be retroactively added to an earlier part, non-missable so you can trigger in later too.

But with that, I'll tune out for today and maybe bring some more graphics to the table next week!