Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Saphira

"Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not an Update!"
Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon
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This time we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves by learning more of the lore and mythology of LoQO.

Presenting the two deities...
Azastral the King of Fire and Saphira the Ice Queen of Ilythium, more known as the Frozen Continent and the "parents" of the crystal fairy species...technically making Saphira the mother of all crystal fairies, Kristallia included.
There is an ancient saying among the people of the Frozen Continent. 
"The morning mist is a sign of the two deities strengthening their love."
Erm, or something sweet like that...

And as the rulers of the Frozen Continent, it was them Beatrix used to serve as a Skyhorn Maiden before she became a Crusader in the Beldorian Forces.

I say we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves because while these two characters exist in the LoQO universe, they may not be introduced in the main storyline of LoQO Origin...or even part of the finished game, though they will be added at the very least as post-game stuff or additional content for the "Golden Edition" of the game, a few years from now. xD
Or, they could of course show up earlier if I reach the side-stories milestone on my Patreon, as I could easily make a story about Beatrix before she arrived at the Beldorian Empire. :)
But for now, only time will tell when they'll make an appearance!
 And with that I'll see you again next week!


  1. The morning mist is a sign of the two deities strengthening their love, but the evening slush is a sign Azastral aiming too far to the left.
    And don't even ask about that warm rain in summer.

    1. HAHAHA! Oh, that one was priceless! XD

    2. You should just add an old man in the tavern of the ice village that says that.

      I just have this image in my head, those two have probably been together since the dawn of time, they are sitting around in "That 70s show" style house. he's reading a paper and she's wearing an apron, they meet the hero and they say "Oh know the wife and I are thinking of spicing up our marriage, want to join us for a 3some?"

    3. I will certainly consider it. x3

  2. Wow, looks like someone really got into worldbuilding by now. Not that that's a bad thing. Always fun to gush to friends about lore you enjoy. (ツ)
    And then see their faces when you tell 'em there's lots of fetishy sex around as well.

    (._. )
    ( ._.)

    Hey, mind if I go into story-mode for a moment?
    You know, I've been following your work ever since the first game got released an made some precious memories with them. My personal favorite was probably getting so hooked on the second game that I forgot to eat for 2 days and my mother treatened to cut the power if I don't eat something ASAP.
    And during all this time, I always wanted to someday be able to give something back. But I was broke. (._. )
    And then after finally getting at least a part time job, I noticed to have credit card to become a patron. (._. )
    So I applied for one. And got rejected. (._. )
    So I applied for another one. And never even got an answer. (._. )
    So I applied for yet another one. And got accepted. (°v°)
    That was last month and I finally became one of your patrons a few days ago.

    SweGabe, you're a massive inspiration to a lot of people and I'm glad to finally be able to give something back. (^-^)

    1. Do you mean supporting SweGabe or forgetting to eat for two days? (ツ)

  3. Well they must have a steamy relationship, anyway here's me cheering for you the get that milestone, the lore is going to be awesome!

  4. That's nice. Background lore and worldbuilding is always neat. Btw, does the world that LoQO II and Origins take place have a name?

  5. Sapphira is like a magical Farah, with the queen status, and with the mother status, and with the status of them Boobays. :)

  6. I wouldn't mind a legend of queen opala comic series I would love to se it

  7. mmm..."they may not be introduced in the main storyline of LoQO Origin"...for me those words mean another loQO game...I hope so XD

  8. I wish I had a time machine to see your future games

  9. Hmmm talking about a new spin on Fire & Ice LOL

  10. With so many female characters you keep bringing in, I wonder about the chest chart to compare. Though I worry about Ratiki being last always.

    1. The more characters added to the chart, the more expensive a "remastered" version would be. x3

  11. ...Uh, Saphira? You, uh... huh. I guess when you've got literal goddess boobs, finding a bra that can withstand them's a bit of a challenge. But that drooping just kinda makes me wince.

    Aw well. Long as hubby doesn't mind, I suppose...

  12. A little question about RPG Maker stuff: except standart resources and resources that custom maid for you (like Opala game model et cetera) did you use some other stuff (tilesets, skins for character generator or other) and if yes, then were?

  13. Well interesting that you want to expand the lore some more Gabe!
    As for a next game (however long it may be till then lol) how about a Beatrix origin story with her as the first ever female protagonist in you series - you know the kind of stuff you would get by confronting her during the last battle (like in every RPG) usually covers the enemy's motif for joining said alliance but to see how her childhood played out would indeed be screenworthy/playworthy.
    You could also decide to do something like this for Masquerade, because I think that everything about Laquadia and her relationships to her brother will be covered in the story of LOQO:O.
    Oh yeah and one thing which got me real excited but didn't turn the way out I wanted to were the monster girls in LOQOII (did expect CG-scene for some of them or all of them together) and the fact that you fought egyptic deities which were mostly female (if I remember correctly) and expected a scene from them - reading this message makes me realize that I sound like a whiny greedy douche lol.
    Hope you read this and of it as good feedback and a bit of inspiration.
    Till next Tuesday :D

    1. Well, stuff like that will probably covered in the side routes SweGabe planed if the meets the 7400$ goal on Patreon.

    2. Thechronicle619 has a point though. Gabe I love your games and you and the artists have provided us with many great scenes involving the protagonists, especially in loqo Origins. But I was kinda disappointed that the protagonist never really got a chance to hook up with any kind of monster girl or mythological figure. If faced with female enemies and you happen to lose. I think a game over scene instead of showing the girls fucked, shows Devon fucked could be cool. Or there's some kinda scene (or scenes) later on where Devon has the option of hooking up with some female creatures and/or goddesses could be nice. Maybe that can be a side goal on Patreon?

      Oh wait! What if, Devon meets some goddess or some crazy strong female monster. It could be a challenge to defeat her in battle (for whatever reason). But if Devon loses, he gets fucked against his will as the girl takes the lead. It's like a punishment, but at the same time it's not. He feels good, but he was basically dominated. And he can challenge them again and if he wins, he gets to be the dominant one and choose what happens. She admits defeat, but she's not really all that upset :D ????

    3. Side story with female protags are okay, but I do not want the main games to have non male protags.

    4. gotta say that sounds kind of ehh to me, personally i think that resources are better spent on the main group of girls for example like Laquadia sure we had a scene with her but it wasn't all the way i would much rather have that then random monster girl/boss nr 69 but hey at the end of the day that preferences.
      Now as for the die to a monster/boss to get a scene i just think its bad and shouldn't be in the game, it's just so counterintuitive and stops the flow of the game dead in its tracks. I LOQO 2 there were two such enemies and they were a pain basically you didn't know about them you went thru the game you leveled up and then you had to go back to some low level mobs(relative to you) to kill you, it just wasn't fun.

    5. That sounds good. Maybe get some artist to do one picture of each type of female monster you encounter that you can achieve. After achieving a special ability or enough strength stat maybe.

    6. So besicly the jurmal with more pictures.

  14. Unrelated to the pic...and post, fair enough, BUT:
    Overwatch brings along a darkskinned, curvy Egyptian character named Fareeha, AKA Pharah. Makes me think the designer is one of your fans ;)

    1. If the game suddenly introduces a few DLC sidekicks named somewhere along the line of "Ophahlia" and "Sira", how cool wouldn't that be?

    2. I keep saying Pharah reminds me a lot of Farah, but no one else agree with me... xD

  15. who can i download the last beta? i can't find him. sorry if its complicated to understand, but my english is not so good.

  16. You don't know how much it means to me to see a game with so many huge breasted girls drawn by one of my favorite artists.

    1. I have to restrict adding more huge breasted babes though, or it'll make those already in the game seem less impressive. xD

  17. i love that art pics ;) my wish is a gender bender scene in this game :P
