Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 13 / 2022

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Geez, I was so caught up in asset creating I almost forgot it was Tuesday!

I mentioned last week I honestly thought there was no way I'd be able to finish editing all the events in the game to make way for the Quick-Menu and sprinting...but I proved myself wrong!
It was done just in time for the beta that was released over last weekend.

As you can imagine, most of the work done over this past week was to prepare for that launch and finish up adding the new features, so I don't really have anything else to report today I'm afraid.
Per tradition, I don't recall ever having had a juicy update right after a beta was released.

Let's see what next Tuesday will bring instead!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 12 / 2022

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Life would be so much easier if we just got rid of daylight savings...

As mentioned last week, some massive overhauls have been done on the game!
Not only about the Feather of Awakening being functional in every encounter apart from storyline bosses, but you can now also toggle sprint ON/OFF and access the Quick-Menu from anywhere.
Quick-Menu being a fast way to access all the essentials with one button, such as the Art Gallery, Encyclopedia, Journal, checking if an expedition is still in progress, etc.

The new beta will be hitting this weekend will all of that included, altough there won't be enough time to polish these features within the timeframe, they will still be in the beta as I just mentioned, but I have to manually go over every cutscene in the game and appoint them with a "tag" so the game know they are cutscenes and not just a short conversation or like a door opening.
This is to prevent the Quick-Menu and sprint toggle to interfere or possible overwrite some commands if you were to intentionally, or unintentionally, trying to access these two mechanics while a cutscene is playing out.

And with that technical conclusion, I'll see you again next week!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 11 / 2022

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Praise the dodge-rolling sheep!

The "Feather of Awakening" mechanic is fully done at long last and modified to easily be able to include any upcoming Bad Ends or allow for already existing ones to have slight variations depending on where they are triggered, such as the one previously only available during the sneaking part at the Imperial Manor now being able to be triggered/unlocked by losing against any Beldorian Forces encountered.
I also allowed for the feather to be used when going up against legendary monsters, so the only time it won't work is against story-related bosses.

I've also been thinking about this a lot recently, and I've decided to replace the Boots of Rushing reward in Colussia with something else you'll automatically have if you've already done the quiz.
Instead, being able to toggle sprinting will be a default function you can now do from the beginning, and something you'll be able to do both indoor and outdoor.
This might sound simple, but be aware a lot of indoor cutscenes where made around the premise of the player not being able to sprint when starting them, so additional balancing will be needed.

That'll be it for today, but another Tuesday will be arriving next week as well!


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2022

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Surprise, it's Tuesday!

The "Feather of Awakening" mechanic is almost done.
It's been applied to every normal encounter, apart from bosses and story related fights, with the previously mentioned feature from last week of the game remembering which direction you entered a location if you use a feather to continue after a loss, no matter on purpose or accident.

Unfortunately, the way Bad Ends were initially implemented way back when meant you had to have Farah in your party (either active or on stand-by) in order for the ending to trigger, this was made to prevent having her be in focus for a sequence she isn't even around for.
As this was a basis for all triggers, this means I need to go back to all individual encounters one last time and change how Bad Ends activate, making it far less work in the future whenever I add a new one with another character, and it would also let me easily tweak some context to certain Bad Ends depending on where/how they're triggered.

Also worth mentioning is that a new beta will be released later this month!

With another week knocked out, I'll see you next time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 9 / 2022

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It's Tuesday...yeah, how could I possibly top the previous intro!?

Over this past week I've worked on the herculean task of implementing the "Feather of Awakening" mechanic to every enemy encounter in the game, previously only available in Marshes of Despair and the Frozen Continent.
For those who don't know, it's a consumable item that lets you continue even after you lose, and it also opens up the possibility to trigger a "Bad End", depending on whom/what you lose against.
Currently there are two endings related to losing battles, which has already been in the game for quite some time, but I intend to add a few more to specific encounters so each recruitable party member can have a bad ending on their own.

And while it has been added to a working conditions for all the enemy encounters, I still need to go back and tweak nearly all of them to ensure they take story progression into account and from which location you entered the map for respawning and protecting accidental sequence breaking.

Y'all, that's all folks'! See you next week!