Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 52 / 2022

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While it's still a few days away...Happy New Year, everyone!

Hope you all have been taking it easy over the weekend and able to enjoy the christmas season.
I've been in the same shoes, maybe calling it a light vacation with your traditional family arrangements and not much work being done besides coloring Osira's last trading card here and there to relax while getting her set done.

I'll likely stay the same for the next few days, then I'll be back full-time by the start of the new year.

So have a good one and see I'll see you in the futuristic age of 2023!


  1. I went to the city of the lizard men and faced the temple challenges, is there anything else to do?

  2. Here's hoping Seth does the international version of Celestia's scene! I look forward to 2023!
