Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 06 / 2024

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It honestly feels like it's just been a couple of days since last Tuesday...where did the time go!?

While this other cutscene I've been working on since the previous week ended up way longer than the few couple of sentances I thought would be enought at first, it too is done! That means only one more is left of the trifecta before our hero is sent on his merry way into the next story arc.
And even if this last portion for some reason isn't finished in time, the next beta will still be out this month and will be like 90% story related with the remaining 10% being CG illustration updates.

With that, it's time to work through another week!


  1. I'm super happy to see that so much focus is going into the main story now, binging the game was soooo much fun! I definitely wanna wait for a lot of it to build up again before I binge though, I don't even remember what was happening when I stopped 😭

    1. you also do a great job, your videos help a lot. unfortunately they are offline

    2. ya their new ai bot thing blocked the majority of them, i've been messaging support though.

  2. Glad to hear we're getting a new update sometime this month - I'm taking a guess that it'll be towards the end of the month, but I don't mind waiting.

    Keep up the good work!
