Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 18 / 2024

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One more week of Tavern Wench Challenges!

Nearly everything about it is done, such as statistics, leveling up, gameplay etc.
Each character is currently playable with their unique individual skill, the only thing remaining is tweaking some graphical layouts and implementing the rewards for doing the challenges with the various candidates, besides the default payout Gabrielle and Bal'Rana can cash out at each town.
Which is now based on your performance, directly reflecting the sum you manage to chug down, and not by some randomized numbers or the fame count.

And there is the prestigious Tuesday report, until next time!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 17 / 2024

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Work on the Tavern Wench Challenge continues!

Almost broke my brain trying to get some of the mechanics to work, but I'm getting there.
So here comes an overview of the statistics that'll be affecting different parts of the mini-game!

[Speed] affects the cooldown timer after each sip, allowing you to progressively get faster.
[Popularity] affects how quickly each emptied mug is refilled by the helpful, male participants.
[Efficiency] was the hardest one to implement, it both affects how much you chug down with each interraction, but also how severe the negative impact of "defiled" drinks have.

Apart from Gabrielle who has the personal skill that gives her 3x EXP from normal drinks, "defiled" ones give you 5x EXP if you are able to down them, but it's a gamble if your [Efficiency] is too low that could end up wasting valuable time as each round is scored on the amount of drinks finished, and not the difficulty/quality of the content.

That has to be it for today, hopefully I'll have all of this finished by next week!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 16 / 2024

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That whole thing about the game remembering your party setup...?
Oh yeah, that's good to go if you thought otherwise! I still need to go over all the key points in the story where the party split up and implement the required triggers, but everything else is done.

And as I worked on the higher resolutions for the Tavern Wench Challenge mini-game, it clicked...
Behold the perversion, I turned it into an actual mini-game, instead of just some short sequence!
While the basic mechanics are done and it's currently playable, there are a lot of tweaks to be done to give it more depth, such as increased challenge as it progress, crowd multiplier and perhaps a skill level for each available girl to make it easier the more they've performed.
This would mean the reward at the end of the game isn't random or based on fame, but rather how many glasses you can down, with their "refresh" rate being higher, the more people are attending.
It's a bit hard to explain it all, so it's probably best experienced yourself when the next beta is out, although I can't say if that'll be this month or in May.

Anyhoo, that'll be it for this Tuesday!


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 15 / 2024

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The mini-game update is continuing as scheduled and I'm currently in the process of giving all assets of the Tavern Wench Challenge the larger resolution versions like Strippin' o' Die.

But I've also been working out a way for the game to remember registered party members so the exact layout you had when automatically splitting up will be restored to you whenever the team is reunited without having to select every character each time, such as when going to the Famine Wasteland, during the Blackgard Stronghold arc, etc.
At first I was just going to brute force it, although...I gave up half-way there when I realized it would've involved over 800 rows of coding, and managed to be creative enough to slim it down all the way to merely 30 lines without sacrificing anything besides unnecessary hassle.

And that'll be all for today, onto next week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 14 / 2024

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Missed April's Fool by one day...gosh darn nabbit!

Anyhoo, this week I've given more attention to the Strippin' o' Die mini-game and created 67 additional assets to give players the option of enter a sort of "Observer Mode" after winning a match to let them view their defeated opponent in a larger resolution without any HUD.
Much like how the Art Gallery let you view full-sized illustrations.
Still on the fence if this should indeed be the mechanic, an unlock for the Art Gallery, or both!

But that's all I have for you today, see you next Tuesday!