Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 31 / 2024

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I don't even remember the last time I did this...
But I guess the specific date landing on a Tuesday is pretty rare and often many years between, and that would be my birthday which so happens to be on this very day!

The amount of work I've managed to do over this week has been very minimal, mostly bug fixing and some map tweaking that doesn't require too much brain power with my limited energy.
I've slowly improved my sleep over the days though with helpful tips from the community, steadily increasing the amount per day from a mere single hour the previous week, to hitting 6 today.
If it continues to follow in that trajectory, this should be the last week I'm being held back.

So I'll be around for next Tuesday too, let's see what it brings!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 30 / 2024

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So, I got both bad and good news for this update!

Let's begin with the bad per tradition, I was forced to take this week off due to real life issues.
This is very much related to what I was mentioned back during the "Week 24" post, but at that time I didn't want to say too much since it was something still ongoing.

And that is where the good news come in, it's finally been resolved as of late!
Full disclosure and overall history; back towards the end of January, a new family moved into the appartment above mine, which is on the smaller size and suitable for 1-2 persons.
However, this was a family of 4 and they decided to give their children the bedroom and make it a playroom...here is where it starts, because the appartment complex isn't very sound proof and the parents to these kids clearly didn't understand the importance of sleep for a growing child.
That is to say, the 2-3 year old son (and the bane of my existence) only slept 4-5 hours a night and would sometimes go up at 3AM and start jumping around like an elephant right above my bed, although more commonly around 5AM.

This was going on nearly every day for almost 19 hours straight with only brief pauses.
Monday to Sunday, months on end, ever since late January.

I gave them time to settle in, hopefully figuring out things on their own...didn't work.
I began confronting them about the noise, which I had never done before in my life...didn't work.
I began reporting them to the security company dealing with disturbances...didn't work.

The only option I had left, except moving away myself, was trying to get them evicted or at the very least warned, so I started recording the noises and sent them to, what is considered in most countries as, the landlord, and this process took several months with the family above my appartment given multiple warnings before they decided to move themselves.
And with the disturbances going on for so long, I developed a sleeping disorder and that is the reason why I had to take this week off because I've simply been too tired.
But with the cause no longer present, the healing process can finally begin and I desire to be back in full working condition soon enough!

Hopefully all of this came across as informative, rather than a rant.
Thanks for hearing me out and I'll get back to you next Tuesday as always!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 29 / 2024

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon
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Aww'sheeet, here we go again!

The final week of pixel hunting and asset creation should be done for now, me thinks.
While it went beyond just bookcases, those might be the most obvious ones to spot as you'll no longer see two copies of the same set next to each other, and nearly everything else is related to furnitures placed along southern walls you usually only see the top of due to the perspective.
So, yeah, not really much (or interesting) to report this time!

Hopefully next Tuesday will be a more eventful weekly update, we'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 28 / 2024

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon
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Tuesdays, am I right!?

More assets in the making for this week with currently the biggest visible change being to the kitchen/dining area of the Imperial Castle at Colussia, along with several more issues I found in existing tilesets which has gone unnoticed since I made the very first game, over a decade ago.
But hey, once you spot them, they ain't going anywhere unless you do something about it!

If you want to go pixel hunting and see these errors for yourself before they are fixed in the next beta, pay close attention to the books in the green bookcases specifically, along with the very bottom portion of the right leg for the slim, sandy colored tables found pretty much everywhere.
(If the floor is of a darker variant underneath them, it'll be much easier to see)

In off-topic news, you may have noticed I removed the link to the webshop.
This is because Shapeways apparently filed for bankruptcy and went under recently, so the figurines will unfortunately no longer be available for purchase for the time being.

But that'll be it for today, stay cool and hydrated during the summer!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 27 / 2024

Support production of the LoQO games at - Patreon

Purchase LoQO figurines - WebShop
And/Or follow me on - Twitter

Another week that went by way too fast!

While a bit of the work this time around was some stuff lingering from the last post, the main payload has been creating more assets/furnitures and making additional updates to interiors.
So far it's mostly been kitchen related, shelf variations, and fixing some tileset issues I discovered.
Not going to repeat the door phase though and only talk about that for the following weeks!

Let's keep on surviving the summer, and I'll see ya next Tuesday!