Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 22 / 2019

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Alright! This will be a tricky one to explain without confusion, so bear with me!

I decided to scrap the idea of Bal'Rana's shop where you could use Emerald Gems to buy scenes in different art styles you've at least experienced once before, this was a feature never implemented but previewed nonetheless in a previous Tuesday update.

However, I'd like to think something far better has replaced that, and even adds upon it!
Introducing the Hall of Memories, an area you'll be able to access through a mirror from your private quarters in Castle Warrengard which will take you to a Crystal Sanctum looking place where all your memories of past CG Scenes are stored.
Still using Emerald Gems, you will be able to unlock CG Scenes you have seen at least once before and replay them just as many times as you want, and even unlock alternative paths and art styles with them without the need to witness them again "in the field".
Towards the end of the complete game, you will likely unlock an item that'll let you switch art style on the go, like how you could in LoQO2, but before that, you still need to restart the game in the art style you wish to unlock scenes in and play up until you get access to your private quarters.

So in short - Hall of Memories let you replay CG Scenes with all text, choices and voice clips.
You need to use Emerald Gems to unlock scenes you have seen at least once before to view them infinitely, but doing so let you unlock alternative paths and art style from the memory itself.
Different memories will have different costs, but no one will cost more than maximum 5 gems.
Oh, and I've also added a way to replay Strippin' o' Die as many times in a row you want without having to visit the opponent again after each match!

And with that, I'll see you again next Tuesday!


  1. Nice, i want all cg scenes in one only gameplay

    1. Eventually that might be possible, but for now, you still need one playthrough per art style.

    2. I just want to play the game but where do I find the website to purchase it? I just found this today and I knew about this for months but I keep forgetting to look for it or ask.

  2. And continuing with the symbolism/hidden meanings of names "hall of memories" is a nice fit(that's what she said) for its function, take away the h and you've got "all of memories". Fitting ain't it!?

    1. You have me at a loss to. I don't know what 8< is supposed to be(my guess though is that it's supposed to be a sad face). Anyways all I was trying to say is that the hall of memories can be read as all of memories which is the thing you want to do in the game that being getting all the scenes/getting "all the memories".

  3. How do i get resouese for the castle upgrade?

    1. You can buy in, on some buildings, like inn´s, farms, shops and so on.

    2. It dosent let me. i tried. I need to do something? i destroyed the first spire.

    3. There are wooden signs at each shop that you interact with to buy them

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Welp for me arent. Not an single one.

  6. The game hangs for someone else after the dialogue in homestead

  7. Kythi has left the party and when i spoke to the queen pirate i have to find her but i dont know here. Can someone help me?

  8. Tent mechanics for kythie and Gabe?

  9. Tent mechanics for kythie and Gab plz?

  10. While semi-interesting it doesn't stop that in 2.17 if you go back to the homestead there's a game breaking glitch where it starts up the scene and then just stops without the ability to bring up the menu. You gotta alt f4 outta that shit. :/

    1. You were never meant to be able to trigger that cutscene as it wasn't finished, but I completely forgot to block it off.
