Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 05 / 2025

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Duchess Mansion Arc, finished!

Or at least everything at the location has been completed and stringed together.
Although I'll still need to add one more cutscene elsewhere to wrap it all up and prepare players for the next step in a later beta, while including some tiny, additional side content as well.
Size wise, it's probably about the same as the High Lord Gathering Arc at the Imperial Manor, maybe slightly bigger if you count the sequence leading up to visiting the Duchess Mansion.
Then I also have to playtest this portion myself, but it should hopefully not take too long if the branching choices and everything else involved is working as intended.

And that's that, I'll be seeing you again next week with another update!


  1. Glad to hear that arc's completed. Been looking forward to trying it out!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Swegabe, Will there be more CGs with Duchess Lynevere?

  3. Wonder if anyone can help me. I'm missing one location so far on my list and it's driving me crazy! On the explorers tab on the encyclopedia it's next to the Painters Abode. Can anyone tell me where this is?
