Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 06 / 2025

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While Duchess Mansion was finished last week...now I think it's done, even!

To elaborate since that sounded contradictive, what I mean is last week I finished stringing all the cutscenes together and now I've also completed adding all the NPC movements and emoticons.
Only thing left is to playtest the whole arc and correct whatever issues I find along the way.
The "optional" stuff I mentioned last Tuesday turned into manditory content and I ended up making one additional cutscene towards the end to really wrap things up.
So between today and when the beta is released later this month, it'll be all about playtesting, polishing and adding some extra tidbits I have in mind if there is enough time.

That'll be all for today, but I might even have an estimated release date for next week!


  1. That's nice to hear, you be there a Gold Edition of This game too?

  2. Hi, first I wanna say thank you for this game which is so amazing but at the same time I have a question. Where can I find the costume fabrics for Beatrix and Primoria?

    1. There is a limited amount for each character, there are currently not enough pieces to unlock alternative outfits for those two yet.

    2. Oh okay, thank you for your answer, i can't wait to unclock those outfits when they'll be available

  3. Glad to hear it's just playtesting now so we may try it out!

    Hopefully with no game breaking bugs. Hopefully.

    Keep up the good work!
