Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 09 / 2025

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As always on the first update after a new beta release, today will be pretty flaccid too.

The beta was released like scheduled and most of the time leading up to that point was frantically putting the last puzzle pieces together and some last minute tweaking...thankfully with minimal errors, although one mistake I did make was locking out the latest addition to Castle Warrengard who joined you after the Duchess Mansion Arc.
She is in her room, waiting, having a conversation option, but not currently available through normal means in the release because I forgot to replace a trigger.

I've also been working on a bunch of sprite assets for an idea I have in mind.
And that's about it, really!

I'll see you next Tuesday as always!


  1. And I can't figure out how to even start the Duchess Mansion arc; I did speak to the mayor in Odidania and Devon mentioned something about getting the mayor of Kahr behind bars (at least for a time). No clue where to go from here.

    Did find the new upgrade to Castle Warrengard (or I've missed it for a long time; I dunno).

    Keep up the good work regardless!

    1. Head to the valley checkpoint and talk to Stella (if shes not there, you may have to take it in an expedition, that's what i had to do)

    2. I already have Valley Checkpoint (from way back when) and Stella isn't there, so I'm not sure what's going on.

      Tried both day and night - both with her in my party and without her in my party.

    3. Update: So, it helps that I actually *remember* that VALLEY checkpoint and DESERT checkpoint are two different places and I am, in fact, a fucking moron.

      Thanks, though!

  2. I can't find stella in valley checkpoint. What should I do?

    1. Try taking it over using an expidition from the map in Devon's room.

      If Devon's soldiers are present, Stella will stand on the left side of the check point.

  3. I have already conquered the Checkpoint desert, my troops are there, but I can't send a new expedition, the closest would be Harmony Sands.

    1. That'd be the Desert Checkpoint.

      Stella appears in the VALLEY Checkpoint (west of Odidania, next to the Duchess' Mansion). Yes, I did the exact same error.
