Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 08 / 2025

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The next beta will be out on this Friday the 28th, curse ye' shorty February!

It'll be a close fit, but the only thing left except some loot placement is fixing NPC movements when getting back to Castle Warrengard after the arc is finished.
And due to all the work for this release being exclusively storymode related, don't expect a long list in the patch notes for other various additions as it'll be all about that Duchess Mansion arc!
But that alone will contain two new CG Scenes, one with and one without the protagonist involved.

So I hope you'll be enjoying this weekend and I'll see you next Tuesday!



  2. Oh I just noticed today was tuesday, so ill're-comment the one i wrote earlier.

    I've been playing for years now. I can tell that is one of the best games I've ever played. I wanted to say thank you and good luck with the work, the more you'll work on it, the better it will become.

    Also, I was wandering if perhaps I can contact Sethxzoe, because seems like he's never online on twitter etc. I don't know if I can contact him or how. Any tips?

  3. Looking forward to the next beta!

    Keep up the good work and I'm still curious if you chose a new artist yet or not.

  4. I try to only play finished games, but you have been working steadily at this for a long time. Do you plan to finish in a year or two, or are you planning to just keep at it as long as it feels right?

  5. Happy birthday to me yes next update

  6. Since the last update I forgot what to do so I went to Illumi to direct me but she says my future is still 'shrouded in mystery'.
