Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2025

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Here we are for another Tuesday!

What can essentially be called an asset pack I've been working on lately is done and ready to be implemented once I get around to the finer details in a hopefully not too distant future.
But most of the time this past week has been spent on creating the next location you'll be visiting, which in turn will unlock sea traveling shortly after, much like how it worked in the previous game.
It's how you'll reach the final Iron Spire and gain access to a bunch of optional locations, both old and new, such as being able to revisit Tseneria Isle and even some familiar places from LoQOII!

And that about does it for this little tidbit update, see you during the next one!


  1. That sounds interesting!

    Hope we'll be able to gain access to some fun areas.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. hey i was wondering is there a full view of Admiral Gallus, she is so beautifull, i was wondering how she looked like in full view :D

    1. You can always check her journal entry in-game. :)

  3. I'm a little frustrated, I can't start the mansion arc. Stella is not at Vallen Checkpoint (just above the Four Seasons Inn) whether or not she is in my group, day or night. I can't send troops there either, since it has already been conquered.

    1. Did you follow the instructions from the release notification and/or the patch notes on how to proceed with the story?
      You'll need to speak with Mayor Naidhar in Odidania if you've done everything else before that point, even if you've already spoken with him before in an earlier beta version.

    2. My pleasure! This part was tricky to adjust for older versions due to all the various triggers, thankfully it should be a lot smoother for players who hasn't reached that point yet.
