Saturday, December 28, 2013

Arena of Champions

The final big step is thankfully done now, I've successfully coded the arena!
Unlike the first game, the arena is far more advanced this time around with letting you rank up, unlock more battles and different enemies as you progress...and while I may not be able to make it before the game is finished, its coded in a way I could add different tournaments later on.

I also tried to change how trophies/achievements are viewed, but I scrapped it after two days of work because the perfectionist in me didn't quite like the results.
Though it did bring with it some good, if I have time to add it, trophies/achievements could pop up and say exactly which ones you've unlocked when you do, instead of just saying "Achievement Unlocked".

Speaking of the place, if I can raise around $100 within the next few days, I can also add the champion of the Arena into "The Daily Fap" - A magazine you can subscripe to within the game, published by the League of Perverts, which features pretty much all major female characters in it and their dirty secrets... (All art in it is by Sparrow from HentaiFoundry)

Update 1 - $45 already raised!

Update 2 - The goal of $100 has been reached!

Since the goal was reached, "The Daily Fap" will have two unlockable pages with the arena champion in it...don't worry, she is female! ;)


  1. hi I love your work I love Opala :P and i cant what for it to finish but I just wonder one thing can I get episode 1 somewhere I downloaded Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode I-II but there is only episode 2 or am I just to stupid/blind to find it xD

    1. Episode 2 should contain all of Episode 1 inside it.

    2. hmm ok but I don't now if it is episode 1 or the game (Legend of Queen Opala 1) I now you are in egypt and you are a dud named jake (I now you can change his name) need more of Opala Osira and Farah.

    3. LOQO II episode I-II contains (as written) episode I. LOQO I is mostly now downloadable as so called "gold edition" (legend of queen opala :gold edition). In the first game you arrive at Egypt on a ship, in the second game you start by coming back to your home after a ....hunting trip? dont know anymore (and it doesnt play in egypt)

    4. ok thank you gonna see if I can find it LOVE this game xD

  2. Since the seems to be done, I wonder if we'll be getting our hands on the game soonish?

    1. I'm still waiting for a few core elements, such as the last two illustrations for the final scene of Easter Edition and a bunch of lines from all three main voice actresses.

    2. Okay, thanks for the update. I can finally inform all the RL friends of mine who have been pestering me since they know I follow your blog.

  3. YAY MORE CONTENT WOOT!! gahh stupid caps lock

  4. Its too late to add more playtesters for the second game, since it'll be released within a month.

  5. so then i ask can i be betatester for your third game ?

  6. So within the month means December, or is it going to be released in January?

  7. Yup, but that has been announced months ago. :3

  8. how do i find the daily flap?
