Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 10 / 2020

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We're truckin' alon', y'all!

The capital of the Frozen Continent now has a name, Lumenia!
Speaking of which, I've finished all the indoor maps for that location with the exception of the palace, which ended up being on the larger count size with only Colussia rivaling it in size.
I've also been planning some side-quests which would result in some more in-game photo opportunities like the one that has been available with Paellicia.

There is a heist with Gabrielle on the table as well that might result in you finally getting to tap that booty, with another event with her that'll be retroactively added to an earlier part, non-missable so you can trigger in later too.

But with that, I'll tune out for today and maybe bring some more graphics to the table next week!


  1. So just to be clear, we can trigger the event for Gabrielle earlier in the game, and if we happen to miss that we can trigger it for sure later in the game?

  2. "finally getting to tap that booty"...."tap that booty" I hope you're putting it very very mildly! The fucking she is gonna get by my PC needs to be a 10 on the richter scale! A girl like Gabrielle deserves no less and these blue balls are years in the making!

    1. Watch out, or you'll literally bust a nut!

    2. Well then you'll have to take responsibility, Baka! :p

  3. I totally agree with Omega and Beliar
    Damn, it's about time!
    And cheers for finishing a good chunk of the frozen continent, really like the name Lumenia.
    Can't wait to travel to these northern shores.

    1. I actually changed it to Luminessa, Lumenia might sound too close to a certain disease depending on how you pronounce it. x)

    2. If I may, How about Luminos?

  4. you think you can add a map. your game is real big now and i think its needed.
