Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Emoticon 28

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Cameo by Master Bation...except not!

There is only Ice Queen Celestia.
That is the divine mother of all crystal fairies you can check out in her default expression emoticon on the side!
Since half of last week was dedicated to the Frozen Continent, let's just jump over to what's new instead!

First of all, two more CG Scenes has been updated with the International Edition style, which makes it only three left before all scenes as of the end of episode 3 are covered.
(Not counting mini-games)

Speaking of scenes, I've also added a brand new one between the protagonist and Elin, which may or may not be included in this month's beta depending on if any illustrations are completed in time.
On top of that, the three latest sidequests I've mentioned earlier received a bit more attentioned and some various small bugs have been squashed.
Finally, I'm now seriously considering adding the sprint option to indoor locations, although that would require more work than you might expect as indoor cutscenes were programmed knowing the default speed of the player would be slower.

And with that, back to work! See you all next Tuesday as always!


  1. Well hope works keeping you busy and inside and away from corona chan!
    From what i show Sweden is getting hammered with 1196 cases, so wishing you health and safety Gabe and don't take any unnecessary risks!

    1. COVID-19 was already made into a waifu?!

    2. I actually think I already got corona a few weeks ago before it really blew up, had a pretty nasty fever for a few days, but it wasn't enough to make me stop working...guess I was one of the lucky ones, unless it was just a regular flu.

    3. It was 100% just a regular flu, Corona gives you a severe case of pneumonia that leaves lasting lung damage even in those "healed".
      Previously when it was exploding in china it was theorized that it's mainly affecting old people and spread thru droplets but those commi lied there ass of with the spread of it around the world recent studies confirm that it can spread through the air and it affects young people to, 30 being apparently a common age of those infected.
      So pls Gabe don't just take this pandemic as "it's just the flu bro" this thing is way more dangerous than the government wants people to believe!

      Oh and yes Corona chan was a thing since february and here are a few examples:




    4. If you got runny nose you safe. Symptoms of Corona virus are almost the same as Clod and Flu but no runny nose. I think there was one or 2 other symptoms that can be excluded too but you'd have to look into it. Look up Covid 19. That should give you all the details they know for now.

    5. Here in Australia the Government isn't censoring anything as far as we know. The whole thing's been blown out of proportion if you ask me. That said we've got record drops in employment because the government is actually making self isolation almost mandatory. Damnit I have a hard enough time getting a job without this shit too.

  2. Potentially a scene with Elin?!
    Now you got us all (well, at least me) hyped for the next Beta
    Although the sprint option indoors would sometimes be rather convenient, I wouldn't really need it, so don't push yourself too hard to enable it.
    Is there a special reason for you now to consider this option?

    1. Mostly came into consideration after having to replay the same cutscenes and scenarios many-o-times for small fixes and checking that everything works in sequence. x)

  3. Ice Queen Molestia ... good day for everyone

    1. Haha, good spin on the name! xD

    2. and i can't take credit for it because it's an old MLP fandom thing

  4. Still waiting for the BETA 😁

  5. If it's possible, I'd suggest different run speeds depending on location and lamp. So the "sprint" button would be sprinting outside would be 100% bonus, caves would be 50% bonus (more if you have a lamp), castles/fortresses/strongholds would be 50% bonus as well. Nothing for regular citizens houses 'cause that's just plain rude.

  6. Great work hope to see more of Behelda the slutsmith

  7. i need know any cgs for devons mother

  8. i like to donate i dont have.,...master or creditcard
    soory gabe....i played all episodes of loqo....wonderfull story line game
