Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 51 / 2023

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As mentioned last week, here comes the beta announcement for this christmas!
And the release date for that one will be sometime tomorrow on the 20th of December!

I have some finishing touches and playtesting to do, but everything else is done.
The new location in Famine Wasteland is completed and the sidestory spanning across that whole region can be progressed to the point where you need to enter a certain tower, although it sadly ends there for the time being as the assets beyond that point hasn't been made yet.

To summorize what some of the new beta content will include -

  International Edition has two more CG Scenes finished.
  Every blacksmith now has an accessory tab added.
  Duo photoshoots between certain characters for the atelier.
  Support Roles available with currently four different characters.
  The Unveiled Chapel location at the Famine Wasteland region.
  Changed interface for all character interraction options.
  A short Famine Wasteland storyline.

So I hope you'll enjoy tomorrow and Merry Christmas in advance!


  1. Merry Christmas in advance to you too, Gabe!

    I'm gonna take a wild guess on which 4 support characters are available:

    Queen Opala
    Lady Farah

    I'm not gonna be mad if I have some of them wrong - if I do, oh well.

    I'm curious which duo photoshoots are available (will be fun to find out) along with what two more CGs are added (I'm hoping for Layla in Strippin' o' Die but hey, whichever are done are done as far as I care).

    Hope you have a relaxing Christmas!

    1. My money is on Queen Celestia and Slender slut. Would be incredible if it's Celestia and the new Laquadia scene tho

    2. I don't think it'll be the Laquadia scene (I'd not complain if it is!) but I do see the Slender Slut being a possible one - that'd be nice.

      Maybe it's one of the other bad endings?
      Or it's one of the Stripping o' Die characters.

  2. Thanks for the update Gabe and Merry Christmas to you too, I'll definitely be enjoying this gift for Christmas! Also when I was doing my 1st playthrough when we go back in time and see Laquadia in the baths again do you ever think you'll end up making it so we can just take the initiative and rape her? We already know the shit she's up to and it would be super satisfying to take her right there. Fucking her while telling her the crimes we know she's committed would be so hot but that's just a thought. Again, happy holidays!

  3. Hi Gabe, Merry Christmas.
    I actually really love Laquadia, she is my favorite character in the saga, I hope to see her in future installments. maybe in a mission where she has to help us, maybe in a game of spreading your religion, etc.

  4. So after not playing for 5+ years, I finally decided to try again to see what's been added. I'm on version 3.22, but after the scene with Kin'Aurea and the retreat to the homestead, I got a message that I'd completed all the story content and that I'd have to wait until episode IV in 2021. It's 2023 now though, so is it still in development, or did I experience some kind of bug?

    1. I believe that is where episode 3 left off?
      In that case, you might've not imported your save file properly. (Especially if you can't continue the story after that point)

      The manual should let you know how to do it so you can re-attempt it.
