Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Legend of Queen Opala: Origin - Week 47 / 2019

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Everyone, lower your eyebrows! They have no reason being that high!

It's possibly going to sound like a disappointing update since it doesn't include anything new per se as I've spent this week adding the "renegade" version of all the new camp dialogues to said places, while distributing them to the various camp locales and Castle Warrengard. (Fixing some interraction issues at the citadel I found in the process)

But I do have some thoughs I'd like to share with you guys and hear some of your input regarding those pesky, rare Golden Beetleblades spawns and the Golden Tokens they drop.
Would it improve the experience if I got rid of the "Reward" shop in the Encyclopedia, where you've been using those Golden Tokens to buy upgrades, and instead make those rewards available at normal stores within the world itself? I don't have any alternative use for the Golden Tokens planned so the change might make them currently pointless, but they could still be a source for money?

That'll be all for now, folks!


  1. Either way would work fine, though that sounds more like a coding question. Idealistically speaking, I am rather hesitant about having everything purchasable with money as it gives off that feeling of [Want something? Have a problem? Just throw money at it!].

  2. I think you should get rid of the reward shop and make the golden tokens sold like the lewd box because in order to get the rewards you'll have to unlock the titles and there is not enough places or things to unlock them for ex. costumes fabrics in the trade section that is my opinion thank you for reading.

  3. Well it takes some boring time location the beetle bugs, so i think it's a good idea to have the tokens in the shop so we save some time 😊

  4. to set rewards as shop items sounds like a good idea (a bit more expensive items) and set "Golden Tokens" as a rare expensive items (less time on farming random monsters or losing nerves on mini games(think that aside from legendary monsters it could be a completly separate hunting game with additional story(but what do i know))

  5. Definitely in the remove the tokens camp, but keep the rewards title based. Keeps things from being to easy to cheat, which is ironic as I am a big cheater and save edit abuser myself.

  6. Well I've had trouble getting golden beetles so I don't mind getting the rewards a different way like through stores. Only thing is I don't want players who hunt golden beetles to be left unrewarded. Maybe change up the rewards? Like the rewards for the better lockpick and getting paintings off the walls, I'd love to be able to get that at stores. But maybe add some new rewards for golden beetle tokens?

  7. I think that's a pretty good idea.

  8. I personally prefer when a game is spiced up by some difficulty but: maybe keeping both ways within a difficulty level option at the start of the game, if the engine allows it (unless it's a waste giving different diff. options for just one different thing)?

  9. Personally I have no problem with the golden beetle blades. My only issue is going to be the tedious amount of grinding and searching you need to do to find everything needed to unlock the right to purchase something because of achievements then go back and use the new tool to unlock more. It's too back and forward for my liking. Now if you could make the requirements to buy the stuff with tokens say...getting to a certain place in the game it would eliminate a lot of frustration and allow people to just enjoy the game while not quite giving it all away for free instantly as soon as they find a shop.

  10. I would say remove any item that requires player to have to collect golden beettle and make the rewards stuff like exp potions or ruby coins ect this would make hunting the beetle both useful but not a necessary

  11. I think all of these should be tradeable, if for a rather large sum of money, like... 1000-3000 K

    I found it difficult to start getting them without the gear that makes it easier to get which you can buy with... golden tokens
